EDITORIAL: Thank you, Justice grads
The Justice bids farewell to five editors who have given all of themselves to the newspaper. We wish them the best of luck in all they do, and we are confident they will be successful in all they undertake.Jamie Freed '03 is our resident workhorse. She served the newspaper well as forum editor and news editor, and sometimes both at the same time. On top of reminding us that our duties are comparatively easy, she also brought a non-East Coast flair to the board, whether that flair is Californian or Australian. She will be leaving Brandeis to attend the school of journalism at Northwestern University this June.
Jackie Hendries '04 is an expert at many jobs. She began her climb through the ranks as an Arts editor, taking over for two editors with big shoes: Michaela May and Caroline Litwack. After successfully completing her term at Arts, she became our managing editor. And although she was a great manager, she will be remembered best for her mastery of sciences that no one else could comprehend.
Anna Ichikawa '03 is widely acknowledged as being "really sweet." She took over Arts on short notice and performed her job with minimal assistance. She was not a career Justice-ite, but was integral to the paper during her tenure. The editor in chief particularly thanks her for completing her section on time.
Caroline Litwack '03 can best be described as a Justice "old timer." She was here back in the day, and her approach to the newspaper reflects her experience. Caroline joined the Justice as an Arts editor and her section was just as fresh and vivid as her pink hair. Nobody can quantify how much happiness she brought to the boardroom with her giggling and her stories. Her parties were OK too. Caroline brought out the best in us, as she will for those who will benefit from the English literacy programs she develops for Italian children.
Michaela May '03 is the Justice. She began her career as an Arts editor, working alongside Caroline. Then she took the plunge into the sea called editor in chief. Though the sea was rough when she dove in, Michaela calmed the waves. She was a calming and inspiring influence on all of us. She was simultaneously strong and gentle, knowledgeable and humble, willful and pragmatic. As could be expected from a journalist of her caliber, she will be moving to Washington to find a job in the field. She will undoubtedly bring as much professionalism to her future employer as she did to our newspaper.
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