Field hockey club's fall season ends in another weather cancellation.
The field hockey club had hoped to play Boston College for the last game of their fall season on Saturday, but were once against frustrated by weather conditions.

Weather cancellations have caused the team to cancel all but one game of their fall season, a 1-1 tie against Emmanuel College on Oct. 17. Sonia Chheda '08 scored the only goal of the season in that game.

While the team hopes to reschedule with Boston College, any intercollegiate play would be welcome to the Judges.

"We've had a lot of games cancelled unfortunately," captain Eliza Gregory '05 said. "In the absence of games we've been scrimmaging each other indoors which has definitely improved our skill. We've definitely all improved over the course of the season."

Women's lacrosse club falls after scoring for opponent in first half.

The women's lacrosse club contributed to their own demise in the second week of their indoor winter season. Playing in their informal league in Canton, Mass., the Judges lost 11-8 to a free agent league team. The Judges actually scored a good amount of the goals against themselves, as they were forced to lend players to the opposition during the first half.

More of the free agent team showed up in the second half, and were able to capture the win. Jacqui Goldberg '05 scored five goals, three of them coming while playing for the opposition.

"We're adjusting to the indoor atmosphere," captain Abby Shoolman '07 said. "We kept up a lot better and we communicated a lot better."

Crew club also a victim of weather; Foot of the Charles race cancelled.

The crew club was scheduled to race this weekend, but was held off by the same weather that cancelled most outdoor sports in the region. The Foot of the Charles Regatta was cancelled, leaving the varsity team without another race until the spring season.

The team has grown significantly in number in past years, and president Adam Ulano '05 points to new equipment and new people as reasons for excitement.

The team raced several times this fall, including the Head of the Connecticut Regatta, the Head of the Charles Regatta, and a scrimmage victory over Lesley College.

We're pretty strong and we hope to make a strong showing in the spring," Ulano said. "We've had a lot of people come on and off the team. We really just need people to stick around and hang in there with us because we're improving.