Over 80 students from New Orleans have made inquiries about transferring to Brandeis for the semester, University President Jehuda Reinharz said in a meeting of the Faculty Senate Thursday afternoon. Six students are already taking classes, he said.Students from Tulane, Loyola and the University of New Orleans have inquired about transferring to Brandeis, Assistant to the President John Hose wrote in an e-mail to the Justice. "Any student from an affected institution is eligible to apply to be a special student this fall," he said.

Although Brandeis is not charging the visiting students tuition for the semester, "Students who want to be on a meal plan will pay the normal rates," Hose said.

Reinharz said a faculty task force is coordinating the University's efforts with the New Orleans-based schools. "My main aim is to be careful that we respect the wishes of the ravaged universities," he said.

Prof. Sacha Nelson (BIO) is hosting two graduate students, a post-doctorate student and a neurobiology colleague from Tulane University. Nelson said the department is providing the researchers-who will arrive this week-with space to conduct their studies.

The neurobiology professor and his wife, a technician in his lab, will stay with friends in the area.

The Department of Residence Life is coordinating housing for the students affected by Katrina. Residence Life Director Maggie Balch said that space is available in the Charles River graduate student apartments for those students without family in the area.

Six students from Tulane are living together in a Charles River apartment that had originally been slated to house graduate students, Balch said.

"My priority and I think the University's priority as well is to take care of our students and [then] see what we can do from a humanitarian standpoint for the Tulane and other university students," Balch said.

Balch is unsure whether further on-campus housing will be available.

"We need to see if we have vacancies," she said, explaining that undergraduate housing is still being sorted out because some students have been switching rooms without permission.

Balch said the department is compiling a list of residents of Waltham and Watertown who wish to host students that have contacted the University, as well.

"We're doing what we can," she said.