There is no immediate plan to build a shared prayer space, a senior administrator said.A plan to renovate all three chapels and turn the protestant Harlan Chapel into a general prayer space-which would make the Bethlehem Chapel the home for both Catholics and Protestants-will not be pursued in the immediate future, Senior Vice President for Students and Enrollment Jean Eddy said.

The plans-designed by Eddy to make the chapels better accommodate students' worship needs-are on hold due to a lack of funding and student dissatisfaction with the proposal, particularly concerns about Protestants and Catholics sharing space.

There is no current plan to build a shared nondenominational worship space, a highlight of the proposal, "apart from the future plan for the chapels area," Eddy wrote in an e-mail to the Justice Friday.

Eddy said a shortage of space is partially to a blame for there not being a current proposal on the table for a shared worship space.

"We are using just about every square inch of space in all of our student buildings," she said.

Eddy added that she is hopeful fund- raising will be successful in order for the original, large-scale chapels renovation to occur soon.