Medical EmergencyDec. 10-A caller in the Usdan Student Center reported a student was semi-conscious, but breathing. University Police determined the student was conscious and alert, and the patient was treated with a signed refusal for further care.

Dec. 12-A caller in the Usdan Student Center reported a male was complaining of feeling faint. BEMCo transported the male to the hospital for further care.

Dec. 12-A female in North Quad with a cut finger was treated by BEMCo with a signed refusal for further care.

Dec. 16-There was a report of an elderly woman falling on a Spingold Theater stairwell. She was transported to the hospital by ambulance for further care.


Dec. 15-There was a report of loud noise in Ziv Quad, which was preventing the reporting party from sleeping. University Police asked the students to turn down their music.

Dec. 23-There was a report of a domestic dispute in progress in Ridgewood Quad. A party reported her boyfriend broke her window during a verbal fight. A verbal trespass notice was given to the boyfriend, who was then escorted to the train station by University Police. The complaining party did not want to pursue any further action.


Dec. 15-A BranVan was involved in a minor motor vehicle accident on Moody Street. The van sustained minor damage to its mud flap. Vehicle operators exchanged information.

Jan. 9-There was a report of a minor motor-vehicle accident in Lower K-lot.


Dec. 10-A University Police officer observed a male cutting the chain from a bicycle at the Gosman Sports Complex. He was issued a verbal trespass warning and advised he would be subject to arrest if he returned to campus. The bicycles appeared to be abandoned. No criminal charges were filed.

Dec. 13-Cappy's Restaurant reported four past incidents of an individual using a stolen credit card number to make purchases. University Police found no matching student associated with the list of fraudulent charges, but filed a report.

Jan. 9-There was a report of money taken from a metal storage box in the Abraham Shapiro Academic Center. University Police found no forced entry, but compiled a report.


Dec. 11-There was a report of harassment by e-mail in Ridgewood Quad.

Dec. 16-There was a report of a student worker being harassed by a patron in the University Library. University Police gave the suspected patron a trespass warning.

Jan. 12-There was a report of a suspicious male in the Shapiro Campus Center who was being very rude and aggressive toward a female. University Police advised the man to leave University Property and not return. The party left without incident.


Dec. 15-There was a report of 15 individuals causing destruction in North Quad. University Police found a broken window on an exterior door, so notified maintenance to respond. Witnesses told Police they observed three males fighting and arguing in a hall. University Police were unable to find anyone.


Dec. 24-Waltham Police was pursuing an individual who was suspected of having stolen a motor vehicle. The suspect, a white male with a blue hooded sweatshirt, reportedly fled on foot in the Nipper Maher Park area. Waltham Police asked University Police to hold the fence line in case the male moved toward University Property. The suspect was not found.

Jan. 9-University Police assisted a student to Waltham District Court to obtain a restraining order.

-Compiled by Justin Sulsky