A student club submitted a forged receipt to the Student Union, Union Treasurer Choon Woo Ha '08 said.Though Ha repeatedly declined to name the club that committed the forgery, he said the fake receipt was made out for a "three-digit figure."

The club had already been allocated the amount by the Finance Board, Ha said, but its leaders were supposed to submit a receipt as proof of payment so its goods or services could be paid for by the Student Union.

Article III, Section 6 of the Union Constitution states, "All Union documents and records shall be public knowledge," but Ha said the community wouldn't benefit from knowing which club submitted the receipt.

"My purpose in disclosing this information is not embarrassing the club," Ha said. "I want to let club leaders know that forgery is a federal crime..."

But since Ha said he was not aware of any other club forging a document and the club leader was "regretful," he said he did not want to refer the student club leader to Student Development and Conduct or any outside authorities.