James Ansorge, chief justice of the Union Judiciary, announced that he has removed himself from ruling on the case against Union Secretary Michael Goldman '08, following a call for recusal by several current and former Union officials. The case, Maizlish v. Goldman, accuses Goldman of violating his role as elections commissioner by disclosing or hinting at election tallies during the voting period of two Union elections, last month and last spring, and thereby unfairly influencing the elections.

Goldman's counsel accused Ansorge of biasing himself against Goldman by publicly announcing his disapproval of Goldman's actions to several Union officials.

"The Chief Justice's comments have gone so far beyond the standard of impartial conduct as to render his sitting on this case a perversion of the course of justice," the motion, released Wednesday, said.

Jacob Baime '08, Samuel Dewey '06, Igor Pedan '05, Albert Cahn '07, Jason Brodsky '07 and Rachel Graham Kagen '09 submitted the motion for Ansorge's recusal Wednesday at 3:40 a.m.

While Baime and Kagen, the senator for the Charles River Apartments, are serving as Goldman's counsel, it's unclear exactly how the alumni are involved in the case. Baime and Goldman refused to clarify.

Dewey and Pedan are former chief justices and Brodsky served as director of academic affairs last year.

"I feel very strongly that alums have had their opportunities when they were undergrads to experience the challenges of student leadership, and that they should leave such challenges and experiences to the current participants," Sawyer wrote in an e-mail to the Justice Sunday morning.

That said, Sawyer said it's up to the UJ justices how they want to handle the case, but he is here to provide assistance if asked.

Village Quad Senator Michael Kerns '09, Rivka Maizlish's '10 counsel, expressed concern that alumni were submitting motions and acting on behalf of Goldman.

"This is a Student Union case. It's an internal student body matter. I'm sure I'm irritated that it's me up against a Harvard law student and some buddies who are older and have graduated," he said.

Kerns filed a motion at 3 a.m. Friday morning calling to dismiss the alumni from participating in the trial. The UJ hasn't responded yet.

He also submitted a motion over the weekend requesting that Justice Robert Schwartz recuse himself, since he is a good friend of Goldman's. The UJ hasn't responded to this motion either.

Ansorge agreed to recuse himself Thursday, admitting that he had made up his mind on the case before the trial.

"I have reason to believe that Michael Goldman, as Union Secretary, Chief of Elections, and Elections Commissioner, has disclosed running vote tallies of elections still in progress to numerous candidates for the purpose of giving that candidate an unfair advantage. While I do not believe that these actions have specifically altered the outcomes of any elections, they could have, and may have been intended to do so."

Kerns said Friday that he's irritated by his opponent's motions.

"I'm frustrated that they're dwelling on semantics instead of honorably and openly dealing with the actual issues of the case," he said.

Goldman refused to make any comments until after his trial.

In an affidavit submitted by Ziv Quad Senator Justin Sulsky '09, Sulsky writes that Ansorge expressed his support for a petition circulated by Village Quad Senator Michael Kerns '08 condemning Goldman's actions.

"Having publicly aligned himself with Mr. Goldman's vehement opponents," the counsel wrote, Ansorge has violated his post.

Kerns told the Justice last week that the only appropriate course of action for Goldman would be for the senate to impeach him or for him to resign.

Union Technology Assistant Rajiv Ramakrishnan '10 also submitted an affidavit, claiming that Ansorge told him last Monday that "Mr. Goldman's alumni counsel would not be allowed to appear at trial." Ansorge added that Ramakrishnan's appointment to his current position was unconstitutional, Ramakrishnan wrote.

Goldman created the position and appointed Ramakrishnan to it before the senate confirmed him Sept. 30. According to Union bylaws, the senate must approve appointed officials before they assume their position.

Kerns claims the process was unconstitutional.

Since the senate censured Goldman and as punishment, removed his power to view the elections software, Ramakrishnan will view the software in Goldman's stead.

In a joint declaration, separate from the motion for recusal, Dewey and Pedan wrote, "In our view any comment to the news media on the merits of a pending case creates an appearance of a conflict of interest. Any Justice making such a comment should recuse themselves as a mater of course."

They are referring to Ansorge's comment to the Justice Monday that, "This is one of the most epic trials in Brandeis history."

Goldman's counsel also pointed to an AOL Instant Messenger conversation between Aaron Laufer '10 and Kerns last Monday, in which Kerns wrote, "Most everybody else on the Union, including the leaders of [every] branch, find it outrageous that [Goldman is] still in office."

Laufer submitted the conversation, but refused to make it public because it contains information discussed during an executive session, a private meeting of Union officials.

"Necessarily, one who makes highly negative statements about the defendant's conduct at issue would be perceived by any reasonable person to be biased in the cause," the motion read.

The public hearing is tentatively scheduled for Sunday at 4 p.m. in Schwartz Auditorium.