The Senate unanimously passed a money resolution to grant $1,305 toward startup costs for the DeisBikes rental program. The money will be devoted to bicycles, initial tune-ups, tools, helmets, pumps, locks and decals.The Senate unanimously passed a resolution advocating for the program's late bicycle return fines to be transferred to the Student Union in order to be reinvested in the bicycle program, instead of going directly into the University's general budget.

The Senate passed a resolution endorsing the recommendations made by the Coalition for Food Service Reform, which include buying local and organic food.

Student Union President Jason Gray '10 discussed how budget changes have been made without student input. He discussed the prospect of having University President Jehuda Reinharz provide a presentation on the state of the University.

Caroline Mills '12 and Liza Behrendt '11 also expressed their frustration with how the administration has been handling budget changes. Mills was angered that Reinharz violated his promise not to cut in the area of academics, particularly in the potential increase in class size. "There is absolutely no transparency. Things that affect the entire student body are being decided on in secret, and we have no input," said Behrendt.

Two representatives from the swimming and diving program addressed the Senate with concerns about the potential end of the swimming and diving programs. In order to continue, the programs would need $15,000 for pool rental and travel expenditures.

The Students for Recognition of Native American Rights and Culture Club was recognized. Some of the group's aims include increasing awareness of the legal standards surrounding Native Americans and educating its members of the third-world conditions of reservations.

Supreetha Gubbala, senator for the class of 2012, announced that the theme of this year's Midnight Buffet will be Fire and Ice.