
The men's and women's fencing teams each defeated four schools, finishing with winning records in the season's second Northeast Fencing Conference Meet held at Brown University this past Saturday. 
The men won by double-digits against Vassar College, Tufts University and Dartmouth College, but against Boston College, the men's team trailed 13-10 with four bouts left. However, the Judges swept the four remaining duels to capture the win over the Eagles.
"To win three in a row when you have to, it's a nice accomplishment," said coach Bill Shipman.
Despite its four victories, the men's squad suffered at the hands of Brown by a 20-7 margin.
The women's team cruised to double-digit victories over Dartmouth and Smith College. They also posted victories against Tufts and Vassar by margins of 14-13 and 16-11, respectively. The squad also lost to Brown 24-3 and to BC by a 20-7 margin.
Shipman noted that in the loss to the BC, the team "didn't fence as well against them as we had hoped."
Before the dual-squad meet at Brown, the women's squad defeated Wellesley College 20-7 on the road last Wednesday. In the first and only head-to-head competition for the squad this season, the Judges won both saber and foil 8-1, and also proved to be victorious in ?(c)p?(c)e by a score of 5-4.
"Wellesley has been a challenging team in the past, so I think our mindset was in the right place, and that we wanted to really beat them," said saber Zoe Messinger '13. "I think that we really wanted it more than they did."
Saberists Emilia Dwyer '16 and Annette Kim '16 each won their three bouts, while Messinger and fellow foil Deborah Abiri '16 also went 3-0 in the competition. ?ap?(c)eist Kristen Ha '14 led her weapon group with two wins.
Both squads next compete in the Eric Sollee Invitational on Sunday, hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 
Messinger said that the women's squad must stay mentally focused during the competition to fence well in Sunday's meet.
"We have to play the right mental game," she said. "We all have the skills to match and beat most of these teams that are coming, but it's who really wants it the most, and I think we do."
Shipman believes that a solid week of practice will benefit both squads in the Invitational on Sunday. 
"We had a very spotty week of practice, so we need to have a little more organized and beneficial week of practice this week than we did last week," he said.