The Senate recognized one club and denied another recognition at its meeting last Sunday.

Work in Progress, a club intended to educate members on improvisation technique, was unanimously recognized but denied charter in a seven to eight to one vote. The Brandeis Alliance for Cannabis Culture failed to gain recognition from the Senate in a five to 10 to two vote.

According to Executive Senator Ricky Rosen '14, the Student Union spent $10,500 last semester. So far this semester, the Senate has $11,200 after spending $688 on Super Bowl parties. He also announced that Dean of Student Life Rick Sawyer will be on the Launch Pad, the Union's WBRS show, this week.

During Senate Committee Chair Reports, Class of 2016 Senator Andrew Chang of the Outreach Committee reported that the committee met on Thursday.

Senator at Large Theodore Choi '13 reported on behalf of the Campus Operations Working Group Committee that he is currently looking for a time to meet with Stephen Romanelli of Facilities Services.

Rosenthal Quad Senator Biana Gotlibovsky '15 and Class of 2015 Senator Danny Novak said that they will be meeting this week, as well as emailing Secretary Carlton Shakes '14 about taking students who are not already on the committee.

Racial Minority Senator Amanda Pereira '15 of the Diversity Committee reported that they had a meeting that day and also mentioned a letter to the student body from Students Organized Against Racism.

Class of 2013 Senator David Fisch and Class of 2014 Senator Annie Chen reported that they will be meeting this week with the Ways and Means Committee.

Senator at Large Charlotte Franco '15 and Ziv Quad Senator Daniel Marks '14 of the Club Support Committee reported that they had met with clubs.

-Sara Dejene