In the latest two rounds of Student Union elections, the student body had the opportunity to vote on three non-election issues, namely divestment, an amendment concerning the Union Constitution by-laws and the securement of the Brandeis Academic Debate and Speech Society.

In the second round of Student Union elections last Thursday, 79.03 percent of students who voted were in favor of a petition advocating for the divestment of the University's endowment from fossil fuels, not including abstentions. About 340 students responded, with 897 voting in favor, 238 voting against and 207 abstaining.

In the third round of voting yesterday, only 53.06 percent of students who participated voted to approve BADASS as a secured club. A proposal needs at least 66.67 percent in order to pass, so BADASS will not become a secured club. Proposed amendments to the Union Constitution that would formally define the definition of by-laws by Union Chief of Staff Jesse Manning '13 were approved with 83.88 percent of students voting in favor of the amendment.

Manning proposed the amendments at an April 21 Senate meeting.

The proposal received 10 signatures from the Senate.
Students for a Just and Stable Future, in partnership with Students for Environmental Action and Brandeis Democrats, spearheaded the efforts to get a question on divestment on the ballot.

This was part of a semester-long campaign to urge the University to divest from fossil fuels companies.

"I'm really excited about it," said Jamie Garuti '15 in an interview with the Justice.

Garuti led the effort to put the question on the ballot.

"Seventy-nine percent is really great. ... It really shows that the student body really supports what we're doing," said Garuti.

According to SJSF member Martin Hamilton '16 in an interview with the Justice, four students and one alumnus working on the divestment campaign attended a meeting last Friday with Senior Vice President for Students and Enrollment Andrew Flagel, Associate Provost for Assessment and Innovation Prof. Dan Perlman (BIOL), Senior Vice President for Communications Ellen de Graffenreid, Chief Investment Officer Nick Warren and Chief of Staff David Bunis.

Hamilton said that the students and administrators discussed plans for "moving forward" on the discussion surrounding divestment, including further investigating the financial impact it would have on the University's endowment.

According to Hamilton, it is "difficult for anyone to know" how Brandeis' endowment will be affected by divestment.

"Studies have been done about [the effects on] general school endowments," said Hamilton. "It will be different for every school. Nobody really knows at this point."

According to Garuti, the group's next steps are to "put pressure" on the administration, and plans to meet with University President Frederick Lawrence and the Board of Trustees.
"We're going to focus more on the administration," said Garuti.

BADASS' failure to achieve secured status during this election set a precedent for the University and clubs that wish to achieve secured status in the future.

According to BADASS president David Altman '15, the club is disappointed that it was not secured.

However, according to Altman, BADASS will continue to work with the student body and other clubs to organize events to achieve its mission.

"Even though we failed to reach the needed 2/3's votes to get secured, the large number of votes (52 percent) that we did receive has solidified our resolve and demonstrated the major role that we have to play in this community into the future," wrote Altman in an email to the Justice.