In its latest divestment campaign efforts, Students for a Just and Stable Future has partnered with Brandeis Democrats and Students for Environmental Action to include student voices on the University's position on divestment by adding the issue to the ballot this election season.

According to the petition being circulated by SJSF, students would be able to vote April 25 on whether they would support the University divesting its endowment from fossil fuel companies "in order to avert further environmental and human rights crises as a result of climate change."

In an interview with the Justice, SJSF member Jamie Garuti '15, who spearheaded the referendum efforts, stated that the petition has gathered 750 signatures so far, well over the required 16 percent of the student body, which amounts to about 525 students.

Garuti said that SJSF members began drafting the petition "a month or two ago" and collected all their signatures over the past two weeks. SJSF has also been working with other student groups like SEA, an umbrella organization that includes SJSF, and Brandeis Democrats to gather support for the ballot question.

In an email to the Justice, Brandeis Democrats Campaign Coordinator Russell Leibowitz '14 wrote that Brandeis Democrats decided to officially endorse SJSF's campaign "towards the end of March."

"We believe climate change is particularly pernicious because its primary effects are on people who can never consent to our use of fossil fuels," wrote Leibowitz.

Leibowitz also wrote that the Brandeis Democrats have also assisted SJSF in increasing awareness of the divestment movement on campus by hosting educational events such as a public debate.

"A few people think that there will be harms that accrue from it, so we've just been working to dispel those concerns and make sure people know that divestment is a sustainable and useful tactic," wrote Leibowitz.

Garuti said that SJSF's partnership with the Brandeis Democrats was helpful for expanding the issue of divestment from an environmental one to one also focused on social justice.
According to Leibowitz, the ballot question is part of SJSF's campaign to urge the University to divest from the fossil fuel industry.

"We want to make sure that the Brandeis student body's voice is heard loud and clear and this is the opportunity to make sure that happens," wrote Leibowitz.

SJSF began its efforts this semester with a kick-off meeting this past January to inform students about the issue and the goals of its campaign. Ultimately, the group aims for the University "to immediately freeze any new investments" in the fossil fuel industry and to divest from "direct ownership and from any commingled funds that include fossil fuels" within five years. Since then, the group has also organized protest events such as a mock refugee camp and a march to raise awareness.

According to SJSF Faculty Coordinator Tali Smookler '13, the next step for SJSF will be expanding its focus to administrators, the Board of Trustees, faculty, alumni and graduate students.

"We have had a few preliminary, informal meetings with members of the administration already this semester and hope to continue to work with them even more closely next semester as this movement grows and gains support," wrote Smookler.

As SJSF begins to secure student support and shift its focus to the administration next semester, Garuti said that she is hopeful for the future of the divestment campaign.

Editor's note: SJSF Faculty Coordinator Tali Smookler '13 is an Associate Editor of the Justice.