The March 16 Senate meeting opened with an executive officer report from Student Union President Ricky Rosen '14.

Rosen encouraged all Senate members to sign up to participate in the upcoming 'Deis Day. He also stated that he would be postponing the presentation of a list of proposed changes to the Student Union Constitution by the Constitutional Review Task Force until March 23, after they had met with members of the Finance Board to review the list. Student Union Vice President Charlotte Franco '15 later reminded senators that after the constitutional review is complete, a review of the bylaws will also need to take place.

Rosen also provided executive compensation information from the Faculty meeting this past Thursday (See page 1 for more information).

Rosen and Franco also urged all Senate members to attend the upcoming March 20 roundtable discussion with members of the senior administration.

Rosen reported that Chief of Staff David Clements '14 met with members of Student Events, who will be making changes to their club that will be implemented next year.

General meetings for Student Events will be open to the entire student body, students will be able to give input to a committee headed by Student Events directors and open to volunteers, and elections for Student Events leadership positions will be open to the student body.

Franco reported that construction projects for The Stein and the Usdan Student Center are moving forward. She also encouraged senators to participate in 'Deis Day, as well as a series of additional events coming later this semester, including the April 28 State of the Union and an appreciation event for Sodexo and Facilities employees.

During the Committee Chair Reports, Sustainability Committee Chair and Class of 2015 Senator Anna Bessendorf announced that she is working on an amendment to the Brandeis Sustainability Fund constitution.

According to Bessendorf, the change would ensure that proposals relevant to sustainability efforts are included in the process.

Additionally, she is working to put together a sustainability fair in April, in which Coca-Cola will participate.

Class of 2017 Senator and Chair of the Senate Dining Committee David Heaton brought up concerns of access minors may have to alcohol now that Usdan Cafe serves both beer and wine Thursday through Sunday nights. According to Heaton, alcohol will stop being sold if anyone under the age of 21 is served.

The committee will be meeting with members of the administration to examine measures to help ensure that will not happen.

A motion to skip senator reports was unsuccessful, with six senators voting in favor, eight opposing and five abstaining.
During senator reports, Class of 2016 Senator Jonathan Jacob announced that the promotional video for 'Deis Day had been completed. Several first-year senators reported that they are working on an event for first-year students.

Charles River/567 Senator Michael Stein '14 announced that he is moving forward with a protest on Admitted Students Day and 'Deis Day regarding a "lack of budget transparency."

According to Stein, the protest has been "tentatively approved" by Dean of Students Jamele Adams. Class of 2014 Senator Andre Tran announced he is working with Senior Vice President for Communications Ellen de Graffenreid on a new Brandeis logo. According to Tran, everything but the seal will be touched.


-Sara Dejene