Student body approves constitutional amendments
On Wednesday, April 9, students voted to pass revisions to the Student Union constitution that aimed to clarify and reduce its language. One area of contention of the changes was the sections surrounding the funding of secured clubs.
These adjustments were originally proposed by a Student Union Constitutional Review Task Force composed of Student Union members, though they had been revised to address student concerns by the time that they were voted upon.
Several clubs, including WBRS and Student Events, were opposed to the original changes because they would have instituted changes to the language of the constitution that would put a cap on the total budget spent on secured clubs. Due to the clubs' protests, the proposed language was adjusted to allow for additional funds to be procured if necessary.
Student Union Secretary Sneha Walia '15 wrote in an email to the Justice, "Friendly amendments ... can be made if they retain the integrity of the proposal. In this case, this friendly amendment added on that provision, which we hoped would alleviate the concerns of secured clubs."
WBRS general manager Jess Ochs-Willard '15 wrote in an email to the Justice that while WBRS and the other clubs which originally took issue with the changes have since retracted their objections, "We're disappointed that the amendment was voted on so soon after the language was changed, and would have appreciated more time to go into the nuances of its effects on us and the other secure[d] clubs on campus." He went on to say that while the language can be interpreted in many ways, he hopes that the Student Union and secured clubs can work together and make this a positive change for everyone involved.
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