This week, justArts spoke with Emma Hanselman ’18 who helped coordinate Hooked On Tap’s semester show, “Hot off the Press!”

justArts: What is your role in Hooked On Tap? What was your role in organizing this event?

Emma Hanselman:  I am currently Hooked on Tap’s class coordinator, but the past two years I was treasurer. As class coordinator, my main role is to help choreographers schedule their rehearsals leading up to the show.

JA: How long has HOT been preparing for the semester show?

EH: We always have our show towards the beginning of spring semester, so we start rehearsing in early October, usually. It’s always odd to start so early in the year as the performance feels so far away, but it’s great to have all of that time to practice and clean the dances!

JA: What is HOT’s relationship like with the schools that visited?

EH: We know that dancers are always looking for opportunities to perform, so we really like reaching out to other schools and inviting them to participate in our show. Dance communities are pretty small, so it’s really nice to build relationships and work together. 

JA: The alumni had one rehearsal? Tell me more!

EH: The alumni this year, were so excited to put together a dance, so the day before the the show, they spent several hours together learning and rehearsing and it really paid off! Their dance was amazing and looked like they were having so much fun, we were so happy to have them back.

JA: What were your worries and expectations going into the show?

EH: It’s always scary to see if everything is going to come together at the last minute for a show like this! We spend so much time rehearsing just to go on stage for three minutes to perform, so it can be a lot of pressure. I think the show was super successful though, everyone had a good time, and the dances looked great.

JA: Have you been dancing long? Are most of the HOT members experienced tappers or are some brand new?

EH: I first started tap dancing when I was in second grade, so about 15 years ago. I grew up dancing and in lots of different styles, but tap has continued to be one of my favorites. Most HOT members have also been tapping since they were in at least in high school.

JA: Anything else you’d like to add?

EH: A big shoutout to our dancers and the other board members for all of their work, co presidents Alexa Diehl ’19 and Sarah Terrazano ’19, our publicity coordinator Lily Feinson ’19, performance coordinator Siobhan McKenna ’20, TE coordinator Julie Joseph ’18 and our treasurer Haley Director ’20.

—Maya Zanger-Nadis