Union Senate votes to purchase stickers for condom dispensers
These stickers will identify the dispensers as an initiative funded by the Senate.
The Senate voted on sticker labels for residence hall condom dispensers and gave more details about the upcoming Midnight Buffet at the Nov. 1 meeting.
The function of the stickers is to identify the condom dispensers as being funded by the Senate. There are 65 condom dispensers, one for each residence hall bathroom, though many have not been installed because they were ordered shortly before campus was shut down last year due to the pandemic.
The stickers are not for the bags of condoms which hang in many residence halls. Only the 65 mechanical dispensers will have them. The total cost of the stickers was $110.50.
The Senate first voted with the necessary two-thirds majority to move the vote on the proposal to the same night. The proposal to buy the stickers passed unanimously.
Services and Outreach committee members have ordered t-shirts and other “swag bag” items for this year’s Midnight Buffet, which will be held Nov. 13. The location of the buffet, which will be a walkthrough event this year, has been moved inside due to concerns about cold weather.
There were no charters, de-charters or recognitions.
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