No clubs were chartered, de-chartered or recognized at the Feb. 28 Student Union Senate meeting. Vice President Krupa Sourirajan ’23 was unable to attend, so Executive Sen. Joseph Coles ’22 ran the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Executive Board Director of Technology Bishal Baral ’23 informed the Senate that he will be creating a Student Union website with descriptions of Senate committees, as well as the contact information of senators on the various committees. He encouraged senators to fill out a Google Doc with the information that he plans to put on the website. Baral did not specify when the website would be published.

Sen. Coles then told the Senate that since last semester, Chief Justice Jack Ranucci ’22, an Associate Justice and a treasurer all resigned from their positions in the Student Union. “[That’s] actually pretty good as turnover goes,” said Coles.

The Senate then moved to pass Sen. Ben Topol’s ’24 amendment to change the Facilities and Housing Committee to the Facilities, Housing, and Transportation Committee. The change would allow the committee to make decisions regarding student transportation on and off campus.

Transportation is “an integral part of our residence on campus,” said Sen. Griffin Stotland ’23. The amendment would essentially be an extension of previous Senate conduct, as transportation issues had previously been handled by Facilities and Housing since it did not have a committee of its own.“In the past, [transportation] has always been put into Facilities and Housing, and this will just make it permanent,” Coles said. The amendment was passed unanimously.

Correction: A previous version of this article stated in the headline that the website proposal was drawn up by a senator. The proposal was created by a member of the Executive Board, and the headline has been altered to include the correct attribution.