Weekly Horoscope

Take the time to be in nature this week. Even if for only a minute, allow yourself to connect with the natural world around you. Today: take some pictures.
Take the time to read that novel you’ve been meaning to start. You won’t regret it. Today: treat yourself.
This week animals will be there for you. Get them a nice treat, or go for an extra long walk. Today: dessert before dinner.
You need to FOCUS this week. Don’t let the long slog of the semester get you down. You’re almost ready for February break. Today: put your feet up.
Take the time to make a nice meal this week. You are what you eat! How about a nice stew? Today: call a friend.
You have been a workaholic lately, and not because you’re not busy. You should set aside time this week to meditate or relax with a good book. Today: watch out for falling objects.
The stars are telling me you may run into one of them — no not space material …a famous person! If you do run into a celebrity, from A list to Z list, be sure to snag a picture with them. Today: study.
This week, be sure to listen closely to any new music of your favorite artists. Show your support to those w
ho are worthy. Today: dance it out.
Make comfort your priority this week but don’t indulge too much. Stay alert and you’ll be just fine. Today: cozy at home.
This week be sure to stay active… get those endorphins rolling! It’s cold out, so be sure to bundle up. Today: spa time.
Be sure to take as many opportunities as possibly this week to practice gratitude. What you give is what you get. You know what is best. Today: a trip to the zoo.
Be spontaneous this week and do something slightly outside of your comfort zone, but within the confines of general safety for you and those around you. Today: take the L.
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