The “Radium Girls” production  was presented by Brandeis students  in the Multi-Purpose Room of the  Shapiro Campus Center on April 20,  with a total of four shows. I was lucky  enough to be part of the production  staff as the props designer. I was  asked to help with the props for the  show and I was originally hesitant  to agree. As every student here can  attest to, it can be hard to balance  class work, social activities, and  clubs, but I ultimately agreed to  join the production crew. It was an  amazing experience and I’m so glad I  was able to be a part of this amazing  show. I can’t believe I ever considered  turning the position down.  By the time that tech week rolled  around, all the major props were  bought and sitting in the first floor  of the SCC. Because the show was  performed in the Multi-Purpose  Room on the second floor of the SCC,  the production staff and cast had to  carry everything from the first floor  to the second. It was a lot to move,  and the transportation of curtains,  props, and lights added a significant  amount of time to rehearsals. Despite  this inconvenience, everyone  involved with the show took it in  stride. It was amazing being a part  of a team that worked so hard and  with such passion to put on the best  show possible. Alyssa Allen ’24, our  director, and Phoebe Shapiro ’25, our  stage manager, worked to make sure  that both cast and crew had a fun,  welcoming environment to work in.  Whether it was playing an energetic  pre-show game, organizing giftgiving among the cast and crew, or  sharing inspirational words before a  performance, the “Radium Girls” set  was such an amazing place to be.  Laughing, singing, and dancing  was a pivotal part of every rehearsal  and show. “Radium Girls” was truly  an amazing show to work on. If you’re  ever on the fence about participating  in a production, don’t hesitate to join.  It’s such a wonderful experience and  you won’t regret it! 

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