Sept. 24—There was an injury. BEMco responded. Patient refused transport.

Sept. 24—A patient was transported to a local hospital for stomach pains.

Sept. 25—A caller felt dizzy. Refused further medical treatment.

Sept. 26—A patient was transported to a local hospital for a medical emergency.

Sept. 26—Patient refused further medical treatment for asthma attack. 

Sept. 26—Patient had a dislocated kneecap. Transported to a local hospital.

Sept. 27—There was a medical emergency. A patient was transported to a local hospital.

Sept. 27—There was a medical emergency. Patient refused medical treatment.

Sept. 27—There was a medical emergency. Patient refused medical treatment.

Sept. 28—There was a medical emergency. Patient refused medical treatment.

Sept. 28—There was a medical emergency. Patient refused medical treatment.

Sept. 28—A party made a medical call for congestion. A patient was transported to a local hospital.

Oct. 1—A community member was treated by BEMCo and transported to a local hospital.

Oct. 1—A community member was treated by BEMCo and transported to a local hospital.

Oct. 1—A party reported an individual with injuries from falling off a bike. A patient was transported to a local hospital.

Oct. 1—A community member wanted their vitals checked. Patient was cleared.

Oct. 2—A community member was treated by BEMCo staff and transported to a local hospital.

Oct. 2—A community member was treated by BEMCo staff and refused further medical care.

Oct. 2—There was a medical emergency. Patient refused medical treatment.

Oct. 3—An individual was feeling ill. A patient was transported to a local hospital.

Oct. 3—There was a medical emergency. A patient was transported to a local hospital.

Oct. 4—There was a medical emergency. Patient refused medical treatment. 

Oct. 4—There was a medical emergency. Patient refused medical treatment. 

Oct. 4—There was a medical emergency. Patient was treated by BEMCo staff and refused further medical care. 


Sept. 24—A caller reported a lost or stolen bluetooth speaker from a restroom. 

Sept. 25—A caller reported that the residents living next to them have been too loud and drinking.

Oct. 1—A party reported emailed threats from a community member. All appeared to be in order. 

Oct. 3—A caller reported that their backpack was taken. The backpack was found. 

Oct. 4—A party walked to the station, claiming they were “blackmailed” but fell on the way. BEMCo staff checked the individual and cleared them. Investigation to follow.