On Thursday, April 18, Student Union Secretary Carol Kornworcel ’26 sent out an email with the spring 2024 election results. In an email sent on April 17, the student body were given the list of candidates with their biographies and the ballot on which to vote. This email also outlines two Constitutional Amendments that could be voted on. The community was given 24 hours to vote.

The first Constitutional Amendment addressed Section 10 – Special Elections. The amendment proposes adding the language, “The procedures for special elections shall be enumerated in the Bylaws.” The reasoning behind this language is to cut down on special elections as “the Student Union seems to be ‘always having elections.”’ The second proposed amendment would allow the President to “Appoint no more than four (4) Directors to the Executive Board, with each appointed Director requiring confirmation by the Senate.”

The open elected positions were president and vice president; secretary; head treasurer; chief judicial officer; board of trustees, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, and Alumni Association representative; Senator at large; Class of 2025 Senator; Class of 2026 Senator; Class of 2027 Senator and Allocations Board Representative.

Kornworcel’s email began with an invitation to the State of the Union where all new representatives were to be sworn in. The event was scheduled for April 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Mandel Center for Humanities atrium. The accomplishments of the current Student Union were also to be recognized at this event.

Kornworcel then continued on to the election results. Rani Balakrishna ’25 was elected president with her running mate Ria Escamilla-Gil 27 becoming vice president. In their “Thank You Brandeis” post, on their combined Instagram account, the two running mates wrote, “We are so excited to advocate for the student body and implement change.”

Rachel Gao ’25 was elected secretary. In her candidate bio she wrote, “I hope to effectively fulfill the responsibilities as the new Union Secretary and to bring new ideas to help improve Student Union to advocate for everyone at Brandeis by making sure all student voices are heardand represented!”

Xan Maddock-Mark ’25, ran for re-election and was elected head treasurer. In her candidate bio she wrote that she is “eager to continue this work!” Zachary Miller ’25 ran unopposed and was elected chief judicial officer.

There were two seats available for BOT/UCC/AA representatives. Alyssa Golden ’26 and Riley Genevieve Miner ’26 were elected. Golden wrote in her bio, “I’ll strive to ensure accountability, listen with open ears, and provide input reflective of Brandeis’ student body if elected.” Miner put in her bio, “I hope to be a driving force in making Brandeis a better place for us to grow with fewer barriers.”

There were five seats available for senator at large. Ali Tariq ’27, Daniel Shin ’27 and Sree Dharmaraj ’27 were all elected. Dharmaraj’s bio said, “I also love talking and meeting new people, and I can’t wait to get to know you all!” Shin expressed in his bio that he would “propose weekly mandatory office hours for senators to be engaged with the student body and listen to any concerns that they have.” Tariq wrote, “our ability to communicate with others effectively can make an incredible impact, and it assures the certain victory we can achieve together at grassroots.”

Next up were the class year senators. Allison Weiner ’25 was elected Class of 2025 senator; Alondra Lanham ’26 and Lukas Gordon ’26 were elected as the Class of 2026 senators; and Ava Ferrigno ’27, Elijah Marcel Rabin ’27 and Jake Rosen ’27 were all elected Class of 2027 senators. Weiner commented in their bio about housing: “I promise to work with DCL and facilities to understand how these problems escalated, and to ensure none of our students are forced to live in these conditions again.”

Lanham wrote, “If elected, I plan to create events for our class to bond as a community.” In her biography, Ferrigno wrote “I hope to bring my passion for athletics and my academic dedication to a higher position.” Rabin wrote, “I want to be a vessel for all 2027 class members and give everyone a chance to have their voices heard.” In his biography, Rosen commented, “I will work steadfastly to improve the quality of life and scholarship for everyone at Brandeis.”

The Allocations Board representatives elected were Angelina Truong ’27 and James Brosgol ’25 “I love getting involved with events and building relationships across the community,” Truong’s biography states. Brosgol expressed in his biography that he is, “super enthusiastic about distributing the available funds in the most equitable manner possible!

Both constitutional amendments passed. For the unfilled seats — two for senator at large, two for Class of 2025 senator, and one for Class of 2026 senator — a new election in the fall will be held. Kornworcel also gave the link to the full election report.

At the end of the email, Kornworcel acknowledged that this was her last email as a part of the 2023-24 Student Union administration and took a moment to thank the student body for a “phenomenal year.” She also provided the Student Union Instagram: @brandeisuniversitysu “to keep up with the next administration.” As the academic year comes to an end, the new elected officials have been sworn in and are looking ahead to next year.