May 17—Medical call for an intoxicated student. Patient was transported to receive treatment. 

May 18—Reporting party stated that their mother had cut her thumb and was bleeding. Reporting party requested BEMCo. Patient refused medical treatment. 

May 31—Party felt dizzy and lightheaded. Patient refused medical treatment.

Jun. 10—Patient was transported to hospital by Armstrong P8l. 

Jun. 11—S2/D3 request Armstrong Ambulance for a volunteer psych evaluation. 

Jun. 24—Medical emergency for eye injury. Patient was transported to a nearby hospital. 

Jul. 14—Party was burned from steam. The situation was cleared. 

Jul. 14—Medical emergency for a leg laceration. Armstrong ambulance was notified. 

Jul. 20—Party had fallen and then passed out after stepping into a large hole behind the baseball field. Patient was transported to a nearby hospital. 

Jul. 22—Four students were injured driving a golf cart. Waltham Auto Tow was called to tow the golf cart to East Quad lot. 

Jul. 30—Brandeis Counseling Center requests an ambulance for voluntary Psych evaluation. Patient transported. 

Aug. 21—Caller reported patient with rolled ankle. Patient refused medical treatment. 

Aug. 24—Party was stung by a bee, refused medical treatment. 

Aug. 25—Party had a nose bleed in the front lobby. 

Aug. 25—Party accidentally cut their forearm. Patient was treated. 

Aug. 25—Party complained of seasonal allergies. Patient refused medical treatment. 

Aug. 25—Party reported bleeding from removed fingernail. Patient was treated by BEMCo and refused further treatment. 

Aug. 26—Medical emergency for a diabetic reaction. Patient was transported to a nearby hospital. 

Aug. 26—Party hit their head on a door. Patient refused medical treatment. 

Aug. 29—Report of a student who passed out and would like to be evaluated. Patient refused medical treatment 

Aug. 29—Caller reported intense stomach pain. BEMCo and units responded. Patient refused medical treatment. 

Aug. 29—Report of a party who took a frisbee to the face. The party was relocated and refused further medical treatment. 

Aug. 30—Party was throwing up. Patient was treated by BEMCo and refused further treatment. 

Aug. 30—Medical emergency for a party who slipped and fell. Patient was transported to a nearby hospital. 

Aug. 30—Call from the Brandeis Health Center concerning a party with a high fever and sore throat. Patient was transported to a nearby hospital.  

Aug. 31—Medical call for party with wrist injury. Party was treated by BEMCo and transported to hospital for further care. 

Sept. 01—Reporting party states that patient might have alcohol poisoning. Patient was treated by BEMCo and transported to nearby hospital. 

Sept. 01—Caller stated their friend was extremely intoxicated and needed medical attention. Situation was cleared

Sept. 01—Reporting party requests assistance with student throwing up. Patient was seen by BEMCo and refused further treatment. 

Sept. 01—Party was vomiting and requested BEMCo. Patient was transported to a nearby hospital. 

Sept. 02—Reporting party states their friend is unwell and continuously vomiting. Patient was transported to a nearby hospital. 

Sept. 02—Party was feeling faint. Patient was transported to a nearby hospital. 

Sept. 02—Reporting party stated her daughter needed medical attention. All appeared in order. 

Sept. 02—Medical emergency for an allergic reaction. Patient was transported to a nearby hospital. 

Sept. 02—Caller reports patient having chest pains. BEMCo and officers responded, and the patient was transported to a nearby hospital. 

Sept. 02—Reported hip injury. Patient refused medical treatment. 

Sept. 04—Medical emergency for a community member having a seizure. Patient was transported to a nearby hospital. 

Sept. 05—Medical emergency for dislocated shoulder. Patient was transported to a nearby hospital. 

Sept. 05—Party reported abdominal pain. Patient refused medical treatment. 

Sept. 05—Medical transport from BCC.


May 18—Student reported a conflict between their roomate and parents. The Area Coordinator on Call was notified. 

May 20— Department of Community Living conducting room checks found some 94c paraphernalia. Situation was cleared. 

Jun. 24—A Waltham resident reported loud noises in the area. Situation cleared. 

Jun. 27—Party reported a panic attack. Officers were dispatched to the location. 

Jul. 09—Caller pressed the emergency call box at Epstein. Patient was transported to a nearby hospital. 

Aug. 27—Waltham resident near the Foster Mods reported parties talking too loudly and was unable to get any sleep. The Area Coordinator on Call was notified. 

Aug. 30—Reporting party complained about loud noises coming from another apartment. The Area Coordinator on call was notified. 

Sept. 01—Noise complaint in the Foster Mods area. Community Living notified. 

Sept. 01—Caller reported multiple males screaming at each other for around 10 minutes. 


May 17—Graffiti was found on a light base near the Rose Art Museum. Staff were able to remove the drawing which was approximately 1” in size. No police action taken. 

May 17—Vandalism reported on the Brandeis University sign. Investigation to follow. 

Jun. 03—Party reported their basketball was stolen. Investigation to follow.

Jul. 10—Ridgewood B’s fire alarm went off with unknown cause. Officers responded. All appears in order. 

Aug. 08—Construction items reported stolen. Investigation to follow. 

Aug. 23—Report of unauthorized stickers placed around campus. Investigation to follow. 


May 17—BEMCo reports striking the gate. Situation was cleared. 

Jun. 11—Party reported their vehicle was struck while parked in the Athletics Staff parking lot. A note had been left behind by the second operator. 

Jun. 13—Hit and run property damage. Investigation to follow. 

Jun. 13—Motor vehicle accident involving cement truck amd a fuel spill. Emergency Manager on scene and Facilities were notified. Situation was cleared. 

Jun. 14—Minor motor vehicle accident. Investigation to follow. 

Jun.18—Motor vehicle observed parked within the courtyard with its rear passenger side door open for approximately 2 hours. All appears in order. 

Jul. 19—A hit and run was reported. 

Jul. 26—Party reported their motor vehicle was broken into overnight. Investigation to follow. 

Jul. 26—Party calls and reports a suspect in car break-ins in the Charles River lot. Investigation to follow.

Aug. 08—Neighbor reported that a truck is parked and idling, and is noisy and disturbing the peace. Officers responded and a citation was issued. 

Aug. 13—Party reports finding subject of previous report sleeping in their car. Party was requested to move to the area by the International Buisniess School driveway. Party originally agreed, but instead left campus. 

Aug. 19—Community member found sleeping inside their car. All appears in order. 


Jun. 26—Attempted fraud reported. Investigation to follow. 

Jun. 27—There was a report of harassment. Situation cleared. 

Jul. 18—A call was forwarded from Facilities regarding chemical exposure. Situation clear. 

Jul. 26—Waltham Police Department assisted in locating a person under Section 12 care who had walked away from treatment.

Jul. 29—Online harassment. Investigation to follow.  

Aug. 04—Report of tree debris in Theater lot near path to Goldman-Schwartz. DFM maintenance to respond. 

Aug. 09—Reporting party found someone sleeping in a classroom. Investigation to follow. 

Aug. 10—A suspicious person was reported on campus. 

Aug. 19—Harassing emails were received by a community member. Investigation to follow. 

Aug. 21—Party reported receiving threatening messages. Investigation to follow. 

Aug. 24—Party reported strong smell of natural gas. Waltham Fire was notified. Building was evacuated and ventilated. Investigation revealed a problem with the stove, and the situation was cleared. 

Aug. 28—There was a report of past harassment. Investigation to follow. 

Aug. 29—Facilities were notified of broken glass in the tennis court area. DFM maintenance to respond. 

Aug. 30—Estranged mother attempted to reconnect with a student. Area coordinator on Call connected with the student, who stated they did not want any contact with her. 

Aug. 30—Party reported harassment. Situation was cleared. 

Aug. 30—There was a report of past harassment. Investigation to follow.  

Sept. 3—Reporting party states there is an unattended bag. The bag was reunited with its owner. 

Sept. 03—Reporting party reported harassing phone calls from another party. Situation was cleared 

Sept. 03—A caller stated that an unknown white male reeking of marijuana was standing by a car on Loop Road. The male has left. 

Sept. 03—Reporting party reports receiving harassing phone calls from another party. 

Sept. 04—Report of suspicious behavior witnessed during a class.