Sept. 07—A party had an allergic reaction. They were treated by BEMCo and  transported to a nearby hospital.  

Sept. 07—A party reported having chest  pains. They were evaluated and refused  treatment.  

Sept. 07—A party twisted their ankle.  They were transported to a nearby hospital for treatment.  

Sept. 10—A party was examined after  they didn’t feel well. They were treated by  BEMCo and refused further medical care. 

Sept. 11—A party dislocated their shoulder. Patient refused medical treatment.  

Sept. 11—A party had a seizure. Patient  was transported to a nearby hospital for  further care.  

Sept. 12—A party was treated by BEMCo  for insomnia. Patient refused further  care.  


Sept. 07—A party was yelled at by a group  of 8-12 males near the Science complex  who walked away laughing. The office in  charge was notified.  

Sept. 08—A caller from South Street reported a loud party in the Foster Mods.  Community Living was notified.  

Sept. 09—A party reported that something  had been sprayed on her car. Investigation to follow.  

Sept. 09—A report of a past altercation  between two students was requested and  rendered by Department Community Living.  

Sept. 10—The president’s office called,  concerned about a party climbing the tree  outside the Trustee’s office. The situation  was cleared.  

Sept. 11—A phishing scam was reported.  The situation was cleared. 

Sept. 11—Vandalism was reported. The situation was cleared.  

Sept. 12—Vandalism was reported inside  Olin Sang. Investigation to follow.  

Sept. 12—A reporting party stated the  possibility of a retired professor’s email  being hacked. The professor was contacted to determine how to proceed.  

Sept. 12—Graffiti was reported in a women's locker room. Investigation to follow.  

Sept. 12—A party reported that their identity was possibly stolen.