Police Log 3/14-3/21
Medical Emergency
Mar. 14 – There was a medical emergency for a party having a seizure. The patient was treated and refused further medical care.
Mar. 14 – There was a medical emergency for a party having heart issues. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital.
Mar. 14 – There was a medical emergency for a party having a panic attack. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital.
Mar. 15 – There was a medical emergency for a party vomiting. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital.
Mar. 15 – There was a medical emergency for a party with abdominal pain. The patient refused further medical treatment.
Mar. 16 – There was a medical emergency for an intoxicated party. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital.
Mar. 16 – There was a medical emergency for a party who fell and hit their head multiple times. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital.
Mar. 17 – There was a medical emergency for a party complaining of chest pain. The patient was treated and refused further medical care.
Mar. 17 – There was a medical emergency for a party with abdominal pain. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital.
Mar. 18 – There was a medical emergency for a party feeling ill. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital.
Mar. 18 – There was a medical emergency for a party with a migraine and nausea. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital.
Mar. 18 – There was a medical emergency for a party having an allergic reaction. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital.
Mar. 19 – There was a medical emergency for a party feeling ill. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital.
Mar. 20 – There was a medical emergency for a party with abdominal pain. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital.
Mar. 20 – An ambulance was requested. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital.
Motor Vehicle
Mar. 15 – A Department of Community Living golf cart was suspiciously moved. No damage was found on the vehicle. Investigation to follow.
Mar. 18 – There was a minor motor vehicle accident with no injuries. The situation was cleared.
Mar. 18 – A vehicle struck an overhang with no injuries. The situation was cleared.
Mar. 14 – A party who reported a possible fraud situation returned to the police station with requested materials. Investigation to follow.
Mar. 14 – A party reported receiving death threats via cell phone. Investigation to follow.
Mar. 15 – There was a complaint of loud music. The Department of Community Living was notified to respond.
Mar. 20 – A party reported being harassed. Investigation to follow.
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