Senate hears from committees and gives updates on bylaw changes
Student Union Vice President Ria Escamilla-Gil ‘27 called the March 9 Senate meeting to order. Attendees heard an announcement from President of the Student Union Rani Balakrishna ‘25, processed committee reports and heard a budget proposal for an event.
Balakrishna started the meeting with a couple of announcements. She discussed Deis Impact, which is taking place between March 10 and March 12 and encouraged senators to attend workshops and engage. As Balakrishna is graduating this year, she is planning on passing down her knowledge as best she can to support the new Student Union. Balakrishna also reminded senators that elections are coming up and that they will be the final elections of the year.
The senate read their executive order reports and finance reports before committee chairs gave reports. First, the senate heard from Executive Senator Daniel Shin ’27, the head of the club support committee. Shin discussed the possibility of changing requirements for probationary club presentations but didn’t discuss specifics as it is still in the works.
Next, Jake Rosen ’27, the head of the Campus Life Committee discussed their efforts in coordinating a meeting time with Harvest Table. He also presented a proposal for some materials for an upcoming open mic night. The event was coordinated with Chief of Staff Allie Ladjeva ’27. The proposal was expedited and then passed by a vote of acclamation.
The Senate then heard from Sarah Jafary ’28, the head of the Health and Wellness committee, which is in the process of purchasing a Narcan vending machine that is going to be placed in the Shapiro Campus Center. The committee is considering hosting another self-care day, as it is midterm season.
The Senate heard from Lukas Gordon ’26, the head of the Internal Operations committee. Shin and Gordon met with the Department of Student Engagement Director Michelle Puls to discuss how students should approach inter-club conflicts. If students are unable to reach a conclusion themselves they should reach out to the Student Union for support unless it is a huge issue that the University should handle.
During the last Senate meeting Gordon proposed a new and revised mission statement for the Student Union. At this meeting they reviewed the statement. After minor changes the statement was passed by a vote of acclamation from the senate.
Finally, Gordon briefly went over the process of changing the bylaws of the Student Union. The Executive Branch has been working on editing the bylaws and making them up to date. They plan to be completely finished and make them available to the public as soon as possible.
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