On March 3, the Student Union meeting was called to order by Vice President Ria Escamilla-Gil ’27. The Student Union heard from clubs to grant probationary status, heard from senate committee chair reports, and heard proposals.

The Senate heard from the Jewish on Campus club, which was seeking probationary status. The presentation was done by the President of the club, Samantha Przybisiki ’27, and the Vice President, Abby Spitzer ’27. The club's mission is to “seek to revive pride in Judaism by emboldening a new generation of Jews and allies through education, social media, campaigning and grassroots.” They hope to open up conversations about antisemitism on and off campus through events. The club differentiates themselves from Hillel and other on campus Jewish organizations on campus, as they want to have a specific focus on the effects of antisemitism around the world and students on campus. They plan to do this through having difficult conversations. After a vote via secret ballot, the club was granted probationary status.

Executive Senator Daniel Shin ’27 asked the senate to vote on de-charactering clubs after inactivity for a long period of time. The Pokemon Club was de-chartered by a vote of acclamation after they found that they were unable to get into contact with the inactive club. The Senate also reviewed the executive order report and finance report.

Next, the Senate heard committee chair reports. The first to present was Lukas Gordon ’26 who spoke about a tentative date for the scheduling of the State of the Union. The committee also plans to address the increasing speeding problem on campus and is currently working on a climate action plan with the executive branch.

Jake Rosen ’27 presented for the Campus Life committee. The committee is in contact with Harvest Table. Himanshu Sahore ’28 presented for the Student Advocacy committee. They are currently working on improving student outcomes and communication with students. They are working on the Sunflower Project – an event that also occurred last year that recognizes students with invisible disabilities. Sahore plans on reaching out to the Disabled Student Network to coordinate with them.

Sarah Jafary ’28 presented for the Health and Wellness committee. They discussed restocking period products in bathrooms and are currently creating a transgender athlete resolution. They also brought forth a proposal in front of the senate for a narcan vending machine that would be placed in the Shapiro Campus Center and would be free for students to use. The proposal was expedited and passed by a vote of acclamation.

Gordon presented a potential mission statement for the Student Union. The senate briefly read and discussed it before it was decided that they would vote on it the following week. 

Escamilla-Gil presented budget proposals of Student Union giveaways at the Women’s Basketball game on March 1st in hopes of promoting attendance. The proposal was passed by acclamation.

The meeting concluded with a brief discussion about whether or not to change the meeting times of the Senate for the future – a talk that will be continuing at a later date after some deliberation.