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Fall's well that ends well: Taking time for ourselves as the temperature drops

(11/05/24 11:00am)

As what was possibly the longest Halloween of all time comes to a close, energy levels are low and many students may feel stretched thin. As we know, the holiday coincided with not only the beginning of the nebulous block of the semester over which midterms are scheduled but also the 2024 presidential election. This editorial board encourages those of us in the community who may be feeling drained or burnt out to set a few extra measures to relax, self-preserve and enjoy the season’s peak foliage. 

Letter to the Editor - Richard Sherman

(11/05/24 11:00am)

Today anti Zionist  Jews and other liberal Jews wrap themselves in “ tikkun olam” (“  repair the world”) credulously believing that they have wrapped themselves in historic Judaism. Nothing could be further from the truth. Dismissing Jewish law and replacing it  with a universalist “ social justice” agenda,  many of these “repair the world” Jews are even able to contort themselves into supporting Hamas whose unrevoked charter in Article 7 requires every supporter of Hamas to murder every Jew on earth.

Reading and other injustices

(10/29/24 10:00am)

Vine, the ultra-short form video-sharing platform launched in 2013, produced many unlikely cultural fixations among its mostly Generation Z and late-millennial user base. Among these was the video created by user Josh Kennedy, who, for reasons still mysterious to many, uploaded a video in which he uttered “waddup, I’m Jared, I’m 19, and I never fucking learned how to read.” The rest is internet history, and many of us still drop the phrase on occasions we deem appropriate.

Losing the Lydian String Quartet: Administration's disregard for Brandeis arts

(10/29/24 10:00am)

The cutting of the Lydian String Quartet came as a surprise to the Brandeis community as it marked the end of its 40-year tradition. The quartet has been a prominent feature in the University’s artistic endeavors since its inception in 1980, having studied with Robert Koff, a member of Julliard’s string quartet. 

Rallying Brandeis votes

(10/22/24 10:00am)

With the 2024 presidential election drawing near, several groups on the Brandeis campus have increased efforts to both register and go out and vote on election day. These groups include The VoteDeis Campus Coalition, The Educational Network for Active Civic Transformation and BRANDEIS VOTES events hosted and run by Brandeis library staff and faculty. 

Beyond the ballot: Language, power and the 2024 election

(10/22/24 10:00am)

As I sit down to write my first piece for The Justice, I can’t help but think about how to best introduce myself to you all — Brandeis students, my peers, who know a thing or two about dissecting the nuances of power, language and politics. This isn’t just my introduction to the student body; it’s also a preview of how I’ll approach political coverage as we roll toward the 2024 presidential election. Let’s face it — voting in this election will be more than just ticking boxes. It’ll be about power, language and who gets to claim both.

Hey babe, being a Brandeis student is actually bad for you

(10/01/24 10:00am)

Researchers have explored the impact of news coverage of the civil rights movement and its influence on public and social opinion. A researcher from Princeton University’s political science department, Omar Wasow, suggested that the media covered civil rights protests in the 1960s in different ways, depending on whether protests were peaceful or violent. He argued that when protestors remained peaceful, particularly in the face of aggression and violence, the resulting images shocked a complacent nation into action. But when the protestors themselves turned violent, even in self-defense, the media message shifted from a framing around civil rights to one around the need for control. 

Thank you to Brandeis students

(09/24/24 10:00am)

The University’s recent decision to lay off approximately 60 staff positions has left many students to unwillingly take on some of the responsibilities left behind,without compensation. This year, the Office of Sustainability and Brandeis Arts Engagement are defunct. With no staff to spearhead them, the initiatives that these programs facilitated risk fading into memory without student intervention. This board intends to recognize students’ hard work in the face of diminished support from the University. 

The framing of the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement by legacy and Black-owned newspapers

(09/24/24 10:00am)

Researchers have explored the impact of news coverage of the civil rights movement and its influence on public and social opinion. A researcher from Princeton University’s political science department, Omar Wasow, suggested that the media covered civil rights protests in the 1960s in different ways depending on whether protests were peaceful or violent. He argued that when protestors remained peaceful, particularly in the face of aggression and violence, the resulting images shocked a complacent nation into action. But when the protestors themselves turned violent, even in self-defense, the media message shifted from a framing around civil rights to one around the need for control. 

Redefining success: Why happiness, not accomplishments, should be students' ultimate goal

(09/17/24 10:00am)

On my tour of Brandeis in April of  2021, one of the most notable points  my tour guide shared was that double  majors - even triple - are not uncommon  amongst Brandeis students. This quickly  proved to be true, as many of my friends  and peers picked up two majors and  multiple minors, seemingly raising the  major:student ratio far beyond 1:1. After  my first summer, updates of successful  internship endeavors flooded my LinkedIn  feed and many of my peers would — and  still do — share their academic accolades  on social media. In our goal-centric world  as students, we commonly thrive on the  pursuit and accomplishment of success,  yet how often does one acknowledge that  these traditional markers of academic and  professional victory only amount to so  much success?