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(04/25/17 2:26am)
You enter Sherman and examine each food station to determine what appears the most edible. Disappointed with the selections, you grab a little of everything. “What’s the harm?” you ask yourself. As you eat your dinner, you quickly lose your appetite. With a pile of half-eaten food on your plate, you shrug your shoulders and slide your plate onto the conveyor belt. Although this is a semi-regular event for most students, how often do you consider the impacts of wasting food?
(04/25/17 2:26am)
On Sunday, the University welcomed admitted students and their families to campus, seeking to attract those students who will hopefully make up the next class of Brandeisians. While we welcome all new members of the Brandeis community, this board urges the University to focus efforts more on diverse admissions to campus.
(04/05/17 2:42am)
Following the Justice’s publication of “Lots of Latex, limbs and laughs,” we received a great deal of feedback from the Brandeis community that drew our attention to one particular line in the otherwise positive review: “However, the moves from the models while on the catwalk more resembled those seen by girls in fraternity basements than the representation of each zodiacs [sic] characteristics.” This statement should have received greater scrutiny during the Justice’s initial editing process, and publishing it was a regrettable oversight.
(04/04/17 3:29am)
In light of poor cell phone coverage in certain areas on campus, this board urges the University to pursue potential solutions, including the addition of more cell phone repeaters around campus.
(04/04/17 3:27am)
Following the Student Union’s Friday release of its Community Emergency and Enhancement Fund grants for the year, this board would like to commend the CEEF committee on its foresight and its commitment to transparency, as demonstrated by their public announcement of the initiatives.
(04/04/17 3:30am)
According to a March 27 New York Times article, the recent airstrike in Mosul, Iraq resulted in a civilian death toll of over 200, possibly one of the worst American military strikes in Iraq. Some Iraqi officials believe that this increase is due to President Trump's push to expedite the battle — resulting in missile strikes that take down entire structures. U.S. officials, however, argue that the death toll is in part due to Iraqi forces fighting terrorist groups. What do you think about U.S. involvement in these airstrikes and should there be reform in the way that they are approached?
(04/04/17 3:30am)
In 2015, a 13-year-old girl who was suffering from cancer was allegedly raped and blackmailed by eight of her teachers at her private school, according to a March 26 NDTV article. The girl, who has not been named, was forced to stay after school under the pretext of extra classes, during which time these eight teachers raped her multiple times over the course of a year. According to an India Times article from March 25,the abuse began on April 12, 2015 when they took nude photos of her. They told her not tell anybody and threatened to kill her if she did. She got pregnant as a result of this rape and was forced by her rapists to take an abortion pill.
(04/04/17 3:31am)
After nearly two months in office, President Donald Trump’s political “honeymoon” with voters has been unprecedentedly characterized by excessive investigations, failed executive orders, false accusations and intra-party conflicts that have prevented any significant policy changes from coming to fruition. For a president who claimed that America “would get tired of winning so much,” it has become evident that this, like many other claims by our president, is simply false and, in many occasions, a flat out lie.
(04/04/17 3:31am)
All the way back in the far-off year of 2010, a rising Congressman by the name of Paul Ryan was being touted as the next great conservative policy wonk. Clutching a metaphorical Bible in one hand and Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” in the other, Ryan swore that once the Republican Party wrested control of the White House back from Barack Obama, he would wipe the president’s signature Affordable Care Act right off the face of the Earth. He claimed that Obama’s plan amounted to a “bill that is full of gimmicks and smoke-and-mirrors” and constituted “a Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud” in his address at a 2010 White House health summit, according to a Feb. 25, 2010 Washington Post article. With conservatives across the country furious at the increasingly prominent role the federal government was taking in American health care, Ryan promised that he could not only tear Obamacare to shreds, but also introduce a comprehensive privatized plan that would “invite true choice and competition” and “ensure [that] critical programs like Medicare and Medicaid can deliver on their promise in the 21st century,” according to his website. These are buzzwords that tell his conservative base exactly what they want to hear: The government will finally stop spending money on making sure that poor people do not die.
(04/04/17 3:31am)
Stolen coins, burgled artwork and forgeries all share a common trait — they result from crime. Venturing one step further, one might ask: What compels an individual to commit art theft or forgery? While the motive is not completely understood, it is known that these events have occurred in the past and continue to occur.
(03/30/17 4:50am)
According to a March 21 New York Times article, President Donald Trump plans on repealing climate change policies set during the Obama administration. In addition to cutting funding for the Environmental Protection Agency by 31 percent, he has also expressed interest in reviving the coal industry — something that President Obama aimed to diminish. Though 75 percent of Americans support regulating carbon dioxide emissions, the White House and Congress are pursuing actions that would limit such regulations. What do you think of the Trump administration's actions regarding climate change, and what can be done to align these disparate goals?
(03/28/17 7:27am)
On Nov. 8, 2016, Donald Trump managed to pull off one of the most upsetting victories in American history: He defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the electoral college despite losing the popular vote. Although there are many factors that affected the election — such as voter turnout, the Democratic National Committee hacking and Clinton’s email investigation — no one can doubt that Trump’s appeal to American workers — especially to those in the Rust Belt —contributed to the outcome. The Rust Belt is a term coined in the early 1980s referring to the mass layoffs in the region spanning parts of the Northeast to the upper Midwest States. These states have experienced perpetual economic decline due to deindustrialization in the manufacturing industry, which is primarily due to the massive trade imbalances between the United States and other countries, most notably China. As of today, the United States imports over $347 billion more goods from China than we export, according to the Office of the United States Trade Representative. This extraordinary trade imbalance is the main cause of this deindustrialization in the Rust Belt; cheaper goods benefit the consumer, but the job loss is cancerous to the American worker.
(03/28/17 7:25am)
For the third time in little more than a year, an American football team is packing its bags and moving away. The Oakland Raiders are relocating to Las Vegas, where they await $650 million from Bank of America and $750 million from taxpayers in order to finance a new stadium, according to a March 27 MarketWatch article. The team has the blessings of the National Football League, an organization that is willing to overlook its aversion to sports gambling and small television markets if it can partake in the extortion of yet another community. In the NFL, teams are forever on the prowl for new markets and fancier stadiums, and whatever city is foolish enough to waste public funds on courting a professional football team can part ways with their money with great ease.
(03/28/17 7:24am)
Notable Swiss psychologist and expert in childhood development, Jean Piaget, once said, “Only education is capable of saving our societies from possible collapse, whether violent or gradual.”
(03/28/17 7:20am)
From bigotry to general incompetence, President Donald Trump invites enough criticism on enough of his personal attributes to fill volumes and volumes of books — and commentary on his policies could easily fill a matching set. His proposed budget for the 2018 fiscal year provides an itemized list of such criticisms, and some of these items warrant more critical attention than they have thus far received. Trump’s continued disregard for the concerns of marginalized groups is alarming and unacceptable, but not altogether surprising, as he has no observable stake in the well-being of these people and can therefore selfishly ignore them. The president’s stance on other issues, however, is slightly more surprising, as they hit a little closer to home and actually affect Trump and his groupies. As such, it is in Trump’s best interest to reconsider certain measures on his proposed budget, particularly those regarding the environment and education, because they will hurt everyone — privileged billionaire or not. Trump’s current agenda seems counterproductive to the point of being downright self-destructive. Opponents need not even teach Trump a bit of compassion or human decency, as they do in other situations, in order to persuade him against his environment- and education-related budget points; self-preservation should be enough to convince him to alter course, if he has the same instinct as even the most basic organism.
(03/28/17 7:21am)
Beginning March 23, the University hosted a two-day symposium titled "Black Lives Matter: Local Movements, Global Futures." The symposium sought to help Brandeis students relate their own experiences with the Black Lives Matter movement to those of other activists on a global scale. This board commends the University for recognizing the importance of this movement through the creation of this symposium.
(03/28/17 7:22am)
This past week, the University held a panel showcasing a variety of female leaders in the workforce and their impact on women’s empowerment in such a space. This board commends the efforts of the University to uphold its commitment to diversity and, more specifically, to female leadership. In past weeks, this board has discussed the issue of diversity through the lens of race and ethnicity; however, gender equality is an equally important and just cause which needs to be addressed.
(03/21/17 5:59am)
I was very troubled to see the Justice article titled “Task force engages talk on campus free speech” on the front page of the March 14, 2017 edition of The Justice. For those who did not see the article, it featured a photograph of a person of color, speaking on the lack of diversity at an open meeting of the Presidential Task Force on Free Expression. The speaker kindly asked not to be photographed. In response, the paper brandished her photo across its front page. Perhaps your paper can publish what it wishes, but the tone and disrespect shown to other Brandeis students is unbecoming of a student newspaper, and makes me wonder if your staff has any inkling that not everyone lives the same lives that they do.
(03/21/17 5:13am)
On Monday, March 13, the Brandeis community received an email announcing the #1Gift1Vote Challenge, a fundraising campaign that gives members of the community an opportunity to show their “passion for a program that is the most meaningful” to them. Provost Lisa M. Lynch has made an unrestricted gift of $10,000 that students can choose how to apportion. This board commends the University for its initiative and Lynch for her commitment to this institution.
(03/21/17 5:13am)
Midterms, BranVans, housing — these are the things that stress Brandeis students out from year to year. However, this year’s housing lottery was especially stressful for upperclassmen students, as a programming error resulted in rising seniors receiving lower numbers than rising juniors, thereby necessitating the reissuance of numbers, according to a March 16 email from Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Tim Touchette.