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Campus life is becoming increasingly unaccommodating for students

(02/14/23 11:00am)

Housing applications for the 2023-2024 academic year recently went live on the Brandeis MyHousing portal. We would like to remind students to fill out the application before the March 15 deadline and wish them good luck. The editorial board would like to urge Brandeis to be more transparent about the housing selection process for current first-year students that have never experienced it and feel uninformed as far as the next steps. 

Remember: Dining workers are human too

(02/07/23 11:00am)

On nearly every weekday — usually in the late morning — the line for the Dunkin’ Donuts in Upper Usdan can be seen extending from its counter to midway through Upper’s booths as dozens of people wait to order coffee or food. Simultaneously, Starship orders placed online chime in one after another after another behind Dunkin’s counter, loud enough to hear from the front of the line. The Dunkin’ staff move incredibly quickly, but the sheer number of customized orders compared to the number of people working behind the counter is overwhelming.

Diving into dining dilemmas

(02/07/23 11:00am)

Along with some of the improvements being made to the dining experience at Brandeis come some concerns that have been brought to the attention of this editorial board. One editorial board member recounts speaking to a dining hall worker on the issue of inconsistencies between what is offered via the app versus in-person ordering. A dining hall worker at Louis’ Deli complained that every morning she had to manually cross out many of the ingredients listed on the Starship App, simply because Louis’ Deli never received the ingredients to begin with. When asked if it would be better to order in-person or online, the dining worker still suggested that students order via the app, because the a-la-carte in-person ordering option, which was recently introduced this semester, could potentially be even more unreliable. Since the paper menus are printed out every day with a set list of ingredients, they are not updated to always match what is in stock or what has been delivered to each dining location. 

Hell froze over: Schiaparelli’s dead spring collection

(02/07/23 11:00am)

After excitedly waiting for the new collection, I was disappointed with the reveal of the Spring 2023 Couture collection by Daniel Roseberry, which he allegedly devoted his time to. Seeing videos and photos circulating of Dante’s Inferno-inspired pieces with crudely placed animal heads attached was already a lot to witness. 

Support and resources for our return to campus

(01/24/23 11:00am)

The spring 2023 semester has officially begun, bringing with it the arrival of midyear students and the start of classes. As we start a new semester, the Brandeis community also continues to grapple with and process last November’s shuttle accident that led to dozens of injuries and the loss of student Vanessa Mark’s life. In light of these added strains to the start of a new term, this board would like to offer support, resources, and reminders to our fellow students. 

Are books really better: Rethinking the standard

(01/24/23 4:11pm)

As a child, my mother instilled in me a love of reading, as well as its importance. I had consistently been captivated by stories that kept me on the edge of my seat in anticipation of the plot. With time, I also developed an appreciation for cinematography, and I too wanted the ability to give life to those stories for which I only had my imagination. 

Prioritize students’ safety: It shouldn’t have come to this

(12/06/22 4:35pm)

The  Nov. 19 Joseph’s Transportation crash , which resulted in dozens of injuries and the tragic loss of Brandeis student Vanessa Mark, has brought the safety of University transportation operations into question. On Nov. 30, the Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Andrea Dine notified Brandeis students via email that the Boston/Cambridge shuttle would be suspended for the rest of the semester “while we investigate alternatives for this route.” Joseph’s is still being used for the Waltham shuttle. 

University Administration, it’s time to support students

(12/06/22 4:36pm)

It has been more than two weeks since the tragic shuttle accident, and the Justice editorial board continues to send our deepest condolences to all parties impacted by this event. While the University has held events to bring students together during these difficult times, it is important to remember that each member of Brandeis will handle these emotions differently. There are no words we can use to express the devastation this incident has caused. As an editorial board, we want to let the campus community know that we are listening to them. We also want to address the difficulty of balancing school work in the wake of these incidents. 

A message from the Justice editorial board

(11/22/22 8:44pm)

In light of the recent tragic shuttle accident on Saturday night, the Justice editorial board would like to offer our deepest condolences to the students, friends, families, and others who have been impacted by this event. We especially want to express our sadness and condolences to the friends and family of Vanessa Mark. Our hearts go out to those who were on the bus, and we hope that everyone injured in the crash makes a speedy recovery.