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Photojournalist Ellen Warner visits campus

(10/04/22 10:00am)

Brandeis University Press recently published photojournalist and portrait photographer Ellen Warner’s book entitled “The Second Half: Forty Women Reveal Life After Fifty.” For the past fifteen years, Warner has been studying how women from multiple cultures experience the second half of their life. She then documented their stories through black and white portraits and interviews. In collaboration with the Women’s Studies Research Center, Brandeis University Press hosted an artist talk, book signing, and art exhibition curated by Olivia Baldwin on Thursday, Sept. 29. 

Harvest Table calls Police on student-worker delegation

(10/04/22 4:00am)

At Sherman dining hall, there is a black bulletin board adjacent to the entrance. Students can voice their opinions on brown paper napkins and attach them to the board. One comment read “Please bring back skim and 2% milk” with a smiley face. A small yellow sticky note attached on top of the napkin (presumably from a dining worker or Harvest Table employee), read “on the way!” in response. Sure enough, skim and two percent milk were back in the dairy section. A fair amount of the napkins, however, read statements such as “Reinstate Kevintz.” There were no yellow sticky notes attached to these suggestions. Veteran Catering Lead Kevintz Merisier was not back on the job. According to dining worker Lucia Hsiung — who also serves as a Union Steward for Boston Local 26, the union that represents the Brandeis dining and catering team — Director of Hospitality Clayton Hargrove declined to rehire Merisier on Tuesday, Sept. 27. 

Medication delivery service comes to campus

(10/04/22 10:00am)

 With the numerous hills, stairs, and limited number of elevators, accessibility — or rather inaccessibility — has long been a point of contention on campus. This rang true for Hana Klempnauer Miller ’25 as she managed the Student Union presidential campaign of Peyton Gillespie ’25 and Lia Bergen ’25. Through personal experience, and testimonies from other students, Miller became increasingly aware of the lack of accessibility at the University. This applied to many areas of campus, but one relatively unexplored need was that of access to medications. 

Dining staff and students rally over abrupt firing of worker

(09/20/22 10:00am)

Catering Lead Kevin Merisier showed up to work early on Wednesday, Aug. 31 in a good mood. Though there had been struggles with the transition to Brandeis’ new dining vendor, Harvest Table, Merisier still loved his job. He had worked as a caterer at Brandeis, including two and a half years working for Brandeis through a temp agency, since February 2014. In the eight years Merisier has worked here, he has never been disciplined, according to Michaela McCormack '23. But by the next week, Merisier no longer held his position on the catering team.

Students Reflect on Univ.’s recent COVID-19 Response

(09/20/22 10:00am)

On Sept. 9, the University administration sent an email to inform the Brandeis community of the University’s shift from a yellow to a green COVID-19 Status Level. This email was sent by Carol Fierke, Stew Uretsky, and Andrea Dine, who hold the positions of provost and executive vice president of Academic Affairs, executive vice president of Finance and Administration, and interim vice president for Student Affairs, respectively.

Student Union election results

(09/20/22 10:00am)

 Student Union Secretary Ashna Kelkar announced the results of the fall 2022 Union elections on Sept. 17 in an email to Brandeis students. The senate positions open to students in this round were senators for the Classes of 2024, 2025, and 2026, as well as racial minority senator, international student senator, allocations board, North Quad senator, Massell Quad senator, East Quad senator, Skyline/Rosenthal senator, 567/Village senator, off-campus senator, and Myra Kraft Transitional Year Program senator.

Univ. threatens ‘community damage’ charges because of Ziv dumpsters

(09/20/22 10:00am)

The dumpsters near Ziv Quad have recently become a topic of contention between students and administration. On Tuesday, Sept. 6, residents of Ziv Quad, Ridgewood Quad, and Village received an email from Montana Epps, area coordinator of 567 South Street, Village, Ziv, and Ridgewood, with the subject reading: “Please Read: Dumpsters & Water Station Survey.” In the email, Epps expressed her frustration that students had left bags of garbage and recycling on the ground around the dumpsters rather than putting them in the dumpsters. “Rain, snow or shine, you are expected to place your trash inside the dumpsters and maintain a healthy living environment for yourself and your community,” she said, after noting that she was “deeply disappointed and frustrated.” 

Student Union meets to hold hearings and vote for new executive board members

(09/20/22 10:00am)

 For the first time in more than two years, the Student Union Senate met in person, once again on the third floor of the Shapiro Campus Center. At the first meeting of the semester, the Senate confirmed numerous executive board candidates for their positions and voted to confirm a new executive senator.

Deis-secting dining, part 1: ‘The Jury is Out’

(09/20/22 10:00am)

In April 2022, the Response for Feedback Committee unanimously selected Harvest Table as the new dining vendor on campus after 10 years with Sodexo. Students were asked for feedback during this process, and many were anticipating drastic changes to dining prior to the fall 2022 semester. However, the massive undertaking of transitioning to campus, coupled with the largest first-year class in Brandeis history, has created complications for Harvest Table. The vendor, however, has been working to address these concerns, through “Napkin Talk” in the dining halls, a feedback form titled “Your Feedback Matters,” and the “Contact Us” page on the Hospitality website.

Three new members elected to Univ. Board of Trustees

(09/13/22 10:00am)

Brandeis University welcomed three new members to its Board of Trustees, President Ron Lebowitz announced in an email to students, faculty, and staff on Aug. 26. Dr. Marjorie H. Hass, Leonard X. Rosenberg ’89, and Jay S. Ruderman ’88 H’18 began their appointment to the Board in early August. Board members oversee all management and policies of the University. 

Dept. of Public Safety releases annual security report

(09/13/22 10:00am)

On Wednesday, Sept. 7, the University released its Annual Fire Safety and Security Report for 2022. A formal notice of the report’s publication was emailed to all Brandeis students by University Chief of Public Safety Matthew Rushton. This notice included a link to Brandeis’ Public Safety website, where the full report is currently available.