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(01/25/22 11:00am)
Brandeis University is keeping the community informed about its COVID-19 statistics through an online dashboard. This dashboard contains information about how many tests were collected, how many individuals were tested, how many individuals tested positive, how many students are in quarantine, how many students are in isolation and the seven-day average for positive tests on campus. The dashboard also includes various statistics about areas in Massachusetts. The Justice will produce infographics each week, visually displaying the information that the University releases online.
(12/07/21 11:00am)
Kyle Rittenhouse, a man who shot and killed two protestors and wounded another, was sent to trial in early November of this year. Throughout the case his attorneys argued self-defense, making his slaying of two innocent people permissible. He was found not guilty on all six charges in court. What does this say about how our current criminal justice system operates? Are there biases that impact marginalized communities? What can we do going forward to mitigate social injustice within the legal and judicial system?
(12/07/21 11:00am)
As the end of the semester quickly approaches and the holiday season is in full swing, there’s no shortage of events and festivities happening across campus. And, of course, what’s a party without food? Now, however, the question of who provides this food has become a point of contention among dining workers, students and the Brandeis administration.
(12/07/21 11:00am)
In a Dec. 2 email to the Brandeis community, President Ron Leibowitz announced the release of a revised version of the University’s anti-racism plans. The website for this revision compiles the individual plans for each academic and administrative department along with a general overview of the University’s process in creating the plans and what the University hopes to accomplish. Liebowitz explained that this revision to the ani-racism plan was prompted by the murder of George Floyd in May 2020. Citing a November 2020 report, he explained that 130 universities are currently undergoing a review of best approaches for addressing institutionalized racism in academia.
(12/08/21 2:57pm)
On Friday night, Nov. 19, over 250 people simultaneously sat down to 24 different Shabbat dinners across campus, participating in an event called "Shabbat Across Brandeis."
(12/07/21 11:00am)
"Giving DEISday" has been an annual Brandeis fundraising tradition since the day’s founding six years ago. The day lines up with “Giving Tuesday” — described on their website as “A movement that unleashes the power of radical generosity around the world” — which occurs Tuesday following Thanksgiving.
(12/07/21 11:00am)
In The 2020 recipient of the Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize, Howard C. Stevenson, received the award on Nov. 18, 2021. The ceremony and subsequent residency, which took place from Nov. 17 to 18, had been postponed due to the pandemic.
(12/07/21 7:00pm)
Prof. Eileen McNamara first joined Brandeis in 1995 as an adjunct faculty member while maintaining a full-time career as a columnist at The Boston Globe, where she worked for nearly 30 years covering a vast array of topics from the nightly police beat to Congress. An award winning reporter and columnist, McNamara won a Pulitzer Prize for Commentary “for her many-sided columns on Massachusetts people and issues” in 1997. She began teaching full-time at Brandeis in 2007, and eventually became the Director of the Journalism Program, a position that she held until last year.
(12/07/21 11:00am)
The Waltham Public Library will host author David Baldacci to discuss his latest book, “Mercy.” The Tewksbury Public Library, Wellesley Books and several other Massachusetts libraries collaborated in planning the event, which will be held on Zoom on Dec. 9.
(12/07/21 11:00am)
The Student Union hosted its semesterly State of the Union address on Friday, Dec. 3, at which Union leadership reported on their activities this past semester and their future plans. Numerous administrators, including University President Ron Liebowitz, attended the talks.
(12/07/21 11:00am)
(12/07/21 11:00am)
Brandeis University is keeping the community informed about its COVID-19 statistics through an online dashboard. This dashboard contains information about how many tests were collected, how many individuals were tested, how many individuals tested positive, how many students are in quarantine, how many students are in isolation and the seven-day average for positive tests on campus. The dashboard also includes various statistics about areas in Massachusetts. The Justice will produce infographics each week, visually displaying the information that the University releases online.
(11/23/21 11:00am)
The Class of 2020 and the Class of 2021 both graduated amidst the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, each class celebrating from home via virtual commencement ceremonies. Now that in-person events have returned to campus, University President Ron Liebowitz has announced plans for the school’s first in-person commencement ceremony in two years to celebrate the graduation of the Class of 2022. In addition, he is welcoming the past two cohorts of graduates back to Brandeis for a long-awaited in-person graduation celebration.
(11/23/21 11:00am)
(11/23/21 11:00am)
Healthy Waltham, a Waltham non-profit organization, hosted a coat and food drive at the parking lot of the former Fitch School on Nov. 20. Items collected included winter-friendly essentials such as hats, mittens and coats. The drive also welcomed food donations, emphasizing the importance of baking essentials such as cooking oil, flour and sugar. The organization aims to provide healthy foods, education on nutrition and collaborative exercise events. According to its website, Healthy Waltham holds open food pantries at the Government Center on School Street during the second and fourth Thursday of each month. These pantries help provide “nutrient dense foods for [Waltham community members]” as part of their collaborative initiative with partners and donors, as written on the website’s “philosophy” page. Visitors to the food pantry are welcome to take home pre-bagged assortments of fresh produce. In addition to their main pantry events, the organization operates neighborhood satellite pantries as well as over 200 deliveries per month, with help from African Cultural Services, Waltham Mutual Aid, Ministry of Truth Mobile Pantry and Brandeis University. Members of the public can volunteer to help unload trucks, as well as sort and bag food items.
(11/23/21 11:00am)
A Model United Nations club has started up at Brandeis after a period of dormancy and is welcoming new members. The president is Oona Wood ’23, the treasurer is Tavorr Vaxman-Magid ’25, the communications director is Lauren Rifas ’24 and the vice president is Risley.
(11/23/21 11:00am)
Last week, Brandeis culture clubs and academic groups hosted a series of events as part of Brandeis’ “I am Global Week,” an offshoot of the U.S. State Department-sponsored International Education Week. According to Brandeis’ website, “I Am Global Week” seeks to “highlight and celebrate global efforts and achievements across campus, promote integration between domestic and international students and scholars, and showcase our global community.”
(11/23/21 11:00am)
The Union Senate met Nov. 21 to charter two clubs, approve a constitution change to a third and pass an election bylaw amendment.
(11/23/21 11:00am)
On Monday, Nov. 15, the Brandeis Journalism program hosted the Pulitzer Prize-winning Boston Globe team behind the investigative piece “Blind Spot.” “Blind Spot,” a multi-part composition, employs traditional, written articles in tandem with multimedia journalism through a 15 minute documentary. It uncovers the dangers of poor licensing regulation by government agencies and major issues within the trucking industry that allow people whose licenses should be revoked to drive freely.
(11/23/21 11:00am)
Brandeis University is keeping the community informed about its COVID-19 statistics through an online dashboard. This dashboard contains information about how many tests were collected, how many individuals were tested, how many individuals tested positive, how many students are in quarantine, how many students are in isolation and the seven-day average for positive tests on campus. The dashboard also includes various statistics about areas in Massachusetts. The Justice will produce infographics each week, visually displaying the information that the University releases online.