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University limits travel to China due to Coronavirus

(02/11/20 11:00am)

In an email to the Brandeis community on Sunday, Provost Lisa Lynch updated community members as to how Brandeis is responding to the Coronavirus outbreak. Lynch stated that the updates have resulted in Brandeis “restricting all Brandeis students, faculty, and staff from traveling to China on official University business, effective immediately.” Lynch also said that the University will continue to monitor statements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “with the intention of removing restrictions as soon as it is deemed safe to do so.” 

Senate redefines quorum for meetings, proposes several changes for club bylaws

(02/04/20 11:00am)

Union Chief of Staff and Union Representative for the Community Emergency and Enhancement Fund Zac Wilkes ’20 discussed upcoming goals for CEEF and a new student newsletter project at Sunday’s Senate meeting. The Union then voted on a new Amendment to Article V of the Student Union bylaws defining quorum, and Class of 2022 Senator Joseph Coles proposed changes to Student Union Club bylaws. 

Univ. contractor finds water main break, closing nearby walkway; main fixed Tuesday

(02/04/20 11:00am)

The water main serving the Usdan Student Center, Pearlman and Goldfarb and Farber Libraries broke on the morning of Jan. 27, damaging the surrounding sidewalk but leaving other Brandeis facilities untouched, according to a Thursday email to the Justice from Vice President of Campus Operations Lois Stanley.

Univ. researchers release study on child opportunity

(02/04/20 11:00am)

A Jan. 22 report by the Heller School for Social Policy and Management found that neighborhoods affect children’s health and development, including their education, expectations for the future and quality of experiences. The study, titled “The Geography of Child Opportunity: Why Neighborhoods Matter for Equity," was conducted by Heller’s Institute for Child, Youth and Family Policy. The study quantifies opportunity levels for children across the United States and examines how a child’s neighborhood affects his or her future. The report was authored by the institute's and project's director Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, Research Director Clemens Noelke and Senior Research Analyst Nancy McArdle.

Scholars speak on Israeli, American Jewish feminism

(02/04/20 11:00am)

On Thursday night, two Israeli scholars presented their research and two members of the Brandeis community shared their perspectives on American and Israeli Jewish feminism at an event hosted by the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute. The event, “Jewish Women and Religious Change in Israel and the United States: Divergence and Dialogue,” was followed by a panel discussion with the audience. 

Researchers discuss women’s suffrage 100 years after women got the vote

(02/04/20 11:00am)

One hundred years after the ratification of the 19th Amendment, members of the Brandeis community came together to learn about women’s suffrage: how it was achieved, who it left out and how the fight is still being fought today. This event was held at the Women’s Studies Research Center’s “Womanhood Suffrage Teach-In: 72 Years in 72 Minutes” on Thursday.