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Scholar speaks about Chicana/o plays on political dissent

(01/28/20 11:00am)

María Durán, a Florence Levy Kay Fellow in U.S. Latinx Cultural Studies, delivered a presentation on Wednesday discussing her research project on Mexican-American literature, otherwise known as Chicana/o literature. Durán said that through her research, she aims to explore “alternative narratives to grief,” meaning looking at how grief is perceived through non-Western cultures.

Community honors Martin Luther King, Jr. through memorial event

(01/21/20 11:00am)

In a celebration full of music and laughter as well as reflection and remembrance, members of the Brandeis community recognized the University’s 14th Annual Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, entitled “Unapologetic Love & Light,” in the Carl J. Shapiro Campus Center Theatre Monday night. Dean of Students Jamele Adams emceed the event and performed his own spoken word poetry.

Board meets to discuss Univ. branding, campus climate survey

(01/21/20 11:00am)

The University’s Board of Trustees held a retreat on Nov. 18 and 19 to discuss ongoing plans for Brandeis’ future. According to a December email to the community from Brandeis President Ron Liebowitz, the main topics the Board discussed were infrastructure improvements, Brandeis’ brand positioning among other higher education institutions and how the University has responded to the negative results of the recently administered Campus Climate Survey.

SAS director finalists address student accessibility concerns

(12/10/19 11:00am)

Academic Services held meet and greets for three finalists in the University’s search for a new director of Student Accessibility Support. The first meeting was with Christopher “Chip” Kennedy on Nov. 26, the second was with Andrea Vassar on Dec. 4 and the third was with Catherine Dugan on Dec. 9.