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SAS director finalists address student accessibility concerns

(12/10/19 11:00am)

Academic Services held meet and greets for three finalists in the University’s search for a new director of Student Accessibility Support. The first meeting was with Christopher “Chip” Kennedy on Nov. 26, the second was with Andrea Vassar on Dec. 4 and the third was with Catherine Dugan on Dec. 9. 

United Kingdom to hold major Parliamentary election this week

(12/10/19 11:00am)

There are constant reminders of an upcoming election: passing conversations, news headlines and social media posts. Voters discuss a blond, conservative incumbent, an elderly democratic socialist and a fresh face in the Liberal Democrats. But these conversations are not about the U.S. presidential election next year. 

Deroy, Village residents report mold, DCL inspections find no evidence

(11/26/19 11:00am)

After several Deroy Hall residents noticed a disproportionate number of students who lived in the building sick with sinus infections, they notified the Department of Community Living to take care of what appeared to be a mold issue in the residence hall. Although DCL did not find any mold in Deroy, many residents were unhappy with DCL’s response to the issue.