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Union vice president resigns, interim vice president appointed, special elections announced

(10/29/19 10:00am)

Student Union Vice President Guillermo Caballero ’20 announced at the Oct. 27 Senate meeting that he would resign from his position, effective today. Caballero explained that he did not feel other Union leadership shared his values and visions for the Student Union, but reassured the Senate that he would remain an outside resource for those who need it. According to Caballero, Executive Senator Jake Rong ’21 will be interim vice president until the special election, which will be held in the next two to three weeks. Rong told the Justice on Sunday that he will not be running for vice president.

Eight Renfield residents contract lice, independently access treatment

(10/26/19 8:28pm)

Several Renfield Hall residents discovered they had head lice on Sept. 28. By the next day, eight students from the building had contracted lice, which prompted the lengthy process of delousing and sanitizing dorm rooms with the help of the Department of Facilities Services, a Renfield resident told the Justice. 

Union Judiciary rules against Student Union President after hearing

(10/22/19 10:00am)

After a contentious hearing last Tuesday night, the Union Judiciary ruled against Student Union President Simran Tatuskar ’21, finding that she failed to communicate effectively across Union branches and unconstitutionally sidestepped the vice president and executive senator in deciding the role of the executive senator, according to the Judiciary’s formal opinion, which was released on Friday. 

Senators deliberate on judiciary case and give updates on Turkey shuttle, free menstrual product initiative

(10/22/19 1:53pm)

At its weekly meeting Monday, the Student Union Senate discussed committee chair reports, and Class of 2020 Senator Scott Halper introduced a resolution prepared by the Rules Committee detailing a course of action in response to the recent Judiciary case against Union President Simran Tatuskar ’21. Executive Senator Jake Rong ’21 presided over Sunday’s meeting because Union Vice President Guillermo Caballero ’20 was not on campus. 

Speakers discuss Berlin memorial plaque at Center for German and European Studies event

(10/22/19 10:00am)

The Center for German and European Studies hosted “Neighbors through Time: Lippehner 35 — the Forgotten History of a Berlin House” on Oct. 15 in the Napoli Room in the Gosman Sports and Convocation Center. Prof. Sabine von Mering (GRALL, WGS, ENVS) hosted the event after reading about a memorial service in Berlin in the Wayland Town Crier, a local newspaper about seven miles west of Waltham.

Record number of graduate students report their visas were rejected by State Department

(10/22/19 10:00am)

Sixteen incoming graduate students at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management and the International Business School were denied visas, Provost Lisa Lynch announced during a recent faculty meeting. All 16 students were from countries in Africa, including Ghana, Nigeria and Liberia, according to Lynch.

Brandeis Athletics Department releases report on gender breakdown in athletics programs

(10/22/19 10:00am)

 In order to help community members evaluate gender equity in the Brandeis Athletics Department, Director of Athletics Lauren Haynie released the 2018-2019 Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act report in an Oct. 15 email to students, faculty and staff. The report includes information about participation in athletics programs, coaches’ genders and salaries, recruiting expenses and overall expenses and revenue, all broken down by men’s and women’s teams.

Scholar discusses women in colonial transatlantic convict trade

(10/22/19 2:15pm)

Prof. Robin A. Robinson PhD ’91, a professor of sociology at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and a resident scholar at the Women’s Studies Research Center, shared excerpts from her unfinished novel about young English women criminals subjected to the transatlantic convict trade, as well as her research on trafficked women in colonial America, at the WSRC on Tuesday. 

Union president faces Judiciary complaint

(10/15/19 10:00am)

Student Union President Simran Tatuskar ’21 is the subject of an open formal Judiciary complaint regarding the duties of the Executive Senator and alleged violations of multiple parts of the Union Constitution, Bylaws and Code of Conduct concerning communications with other Union members, according to multiple sources familiar with the complaint.

Senators discuss campus events, Union initiatives, upcoming hearing against Union President

(10/15/19 10:00am)

At its weekly meeting Sunday, the Senate discussed a complaint against Union President Simran Tatuskar ’21 that will be heard by the Judiciary Committee, how Friday’s Pride Deis event went and updates to last year’s initiative to place free menstrual products in bathrooms across campus.

University files amicus curiae brief in support of DACA

(10/15/19 10:00am)

In an Oct. 8 email to the community, University President Ron Liebowitz stated that, alongside 164 other universities and colleges in the United States, Brandeis has filed an amicus curiae brief in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. He explained that DACA “provides work permits and protection from deportation to nearly 700,000 undocumented people … who were brought to the U.S. as children.”

Public Safety annual safety and security report finds decrease in crime overall, increase in fire incidents

(10/15/19 10:00am)

Public Safety’s annual fire safety and security report, which spans the last three years and includes statistics about crime and fire rates on campus, shows an overall decrease in crime and an increase in fire incidents.