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Brandeis University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1949 | Waltham, MA

Review of J.M. Coetzee’s “Disgrace”

In Coetzee’s “Disgrace,” these dichotomies that we depend on to comprehend or distort reality disintegrate, from the ruins and rubbles of which a shared suffering transcending tribalism arises — the essence of our human condition.

On the canon

The concept of canon as a set of important, if not immortal literary, artistic and otherwise cultural documents, manifesting the best parts of a certain culture, is an idea not at all alien to the non-Western world.

The life of a freelance composer: Music meets business

The work of freelance music composers is not as solitary as it may sound. They collaborate with institutions, theatres, and individuals. They work on solo pieces, operas, orchestra pieces, chamber pieces, and more. They have a flexible working schedule for exploring and envisioning creativity in music, yet they live a busy lifestyle managing their music careers and businesses at the same time.

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