Avi Gold
| 03/25/2014
Rather than hosting a basketball game or a track meet, Gosman Sports and Convocation Center was used for a far different purpose this past Saturday. The Archery Club hosted its second-annual Shamrock Shoot, a distinct event in the Northeast in part due to the attendees and also the competitions that took place at the event. Dustin Aaron '14, president of the Archery Club, stated his overall satisfaction with his club's event this past weekend. "All things considered, it was small but highly successful," commented Aaron. "This is our second year running it, so we had a lot of experience last year and we learned how to make this a decent competition, so everything ran really well. "It was not as highly attended as we had hoped-about the same as last year-but in terms of quality we got really lucky." The Shamrock Shoot featured some of the top archers in the country, aside from Brandeis students. "We had a No.
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