Daniel Ortner
Suppressing free speech is Reinharz's legacy, not fundraising
A recent Boston Globe article has rightfully ignited a firestorm regarding the compensation of former University President Jehuda Reinharz. It is shocking that Reinharz received over $600,000 in 2011 for helping the University transition to a new president-even though Reinharz was on sabbatical throughout the year. It is likewise baffling that despite increasing student tuition and debt by over $10,000 dollars since I started at Brandeis, Reinharz earned around $300,000 each year from 2012 to 2014 even though he is not required to teach classes, oversee graduate students or participate in department meetings.
DANIEL ORTNER: The refugee and the other
Last Sunday, the often elusive Palestinian narrative emerged as part of the Leonard Bernstein Festival of the Creative Arts.
DANIEL ORTNER: A Union built on the denial of self-identity
After a long year of infighting, turbulence and turmoil, I expected the first Union Senate meeting I ever attended to be filled with bureaucratic logjams.
DANIEL ORTNER: Reflections on a more perfect union
We the peopleDisheveled and dirtyCovered in mud flungBetween back and forth AssertionsAre elevated and inspiredBy words of decency andCandorAt the darkest moment With campaign tethering on DisasterBarack Obama stood upFor nation and selfWhile taking the venom Out of the wordsOf a radical so-called holy manHe led us to reflectOn the dark original sin That clouds our nationAnd our self-deceptionAs we pretendWe have found repentanceThat the dream Has come at lastWhen really much must still Be doneDespite our healing attempts And progressAn unspoken fracture remains It is the drumbeat of the angerThat surges from the soul of The black communityAnd into the mouth of Preachers and politiciansNew Orleans Destroyed and forgottenAn impoverished nation Where the gap Continues to growBetween those with hope and Those withoutIt is the passionate Recoil of thoseWhose dreams are diminishedAnd for whom opportunity is A raisin in the sun.But in our insular Communities and cliquesWe often forgetThat this anguished cry Is colorblindFelt by the immigrants StrugglingTo find an placeThe blue-collar workers Displaced as their jobs areOutsourced And the soldiers betrayed by Stop-loss ordersMisled into a false war.This yearning desireFor something newSomething greatSomething moreHas the potential to unite As long as we can empathizeUnderstand the anger Each strandOf the fractured American mosaicBears in its thread It won't be easyNo single politicianNo matter how inspiringCould ever single-handedlyAccomplish thisBut we must be honestSpeak candidly about our fearsAnd unify to achieveA more perfect unionAt long lastYes we can!
DANIEL ORTNER: Overcome Technophobia
For most students, the housing lottery and the reception of one's number is a source of much anxiety.
Hadag Nachash do Brandeis
Israeli funk rap artists Hadag Nachash have long been the sensation in Israel and abroad because of their insightful and often politically charged lyrics.
Political games tackle hot topics
I am going to reveal one of my darkest secrets. In the 2000 election I almost wanted George Bush to win the presidency.
DANIEL ORTNER: Battling in the right-wing rhetorical arena
As I sat down to listen to Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., Monday night, I was filled with immense optimism.
DANIEL ORTNER: Spin doctors and our sick politics
In the wake of Sen. Hillary Clinton's surprise victory in the New Hampshire presidential primary Jan.
Brandeis threatened by federal budget cuts
President Levine responds to concerns
Never Severing My Relationship with ‘Severance’: A Review
Associate Provost presents plan to reorganize the University
Partners for Peace: Building Bridges in the West Bank