NYC theater designer joins art community
JustArts emailed with Assistant Prof.
JustArts emailed with Assistant Prof.
It's the Prohibition, and Franklin County, Virginia, is not the kind of place you'd ever want to find yourself.
The Undergraduate Theater Collective is hitting the ground running this year. Led by Kelsey Strouse '13 and Tess Suchoff '13, the UTC has prepared an excellent fall season, complete with traditional events like the 24-Hour Musical on Sept.
I've seen them myself. They flit between cars like hummingbirds, their legs moving so fast you can barely see them pumping those pedals.
Welcome to our University, new Brandeisians, and welcome back, everyone else!
Congratulations on making it through finals, and, for those graduating, for making it through four years (or more) of college!
On Sunday, the slope of Chapels Field was sprinkled with beach blankets. Despite the 57 degree temperature and the relentless breeze, the sun was high in the sky and students were taking full advantage of spring. And they kept coming.
JustArts spoke with Jen Kleinrock '12, who is a member of Bad Grammer. The group performs in both long- and short-form sketches and holds open practices where anyone on campus can learn how to make people laugh or just have some fun.
Arshile Gorky was a famous Impressionist and Postimpressionist American painter whose works have been displayed in museums all around the world.
I'm going to cut to the chase here. Elegies: A Song Cycle, Leah Carnow '12 and Mindy Cimini's '12 joint senior thesis production, was musically the best show I have seen at Brandeis.
Waltham Public Schools Committee provide updates
Faculty debates University reorganization plan
Addressing misinformation: Official statements regarding the confrontation between Hillel at Brandeis and the Brandeis Jewish Bund
Exploited systems, divided futures: Navigating the intersection of politics, business and the personal
A scientist who got his start at Brandeis is changing the world of medicine