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Brandeis University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1949 | Waltham, MA

Emily Salloway


Pop Culture

Ever wondered how the queen of pop, Lady Gaga, came to be the way she is today? One of her most recent singles claims that she was "Born This Way," but an upcoming special television event may beg to differ.The documentary-style hour-long piece, titled "Lady Gaga: Inside The Outside," will premiere Thursday at 9 p.m.

Japanese theater showcase benefits relief efforts

The most important theme of Kyogen, one of the oldest types of Japanese theater, is laughter. And true to its goal, laughter is what rang throughout the Mandel Center for the Humanities last Tuesday night, causing curious passersby to stop and learn about this beloved tradition.

Asian-American Celebrations

Nancy Nguyen, the official coordinator of the SKINS Fashion Show, a central event of Brandeis Asian American Students Association's celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, talked a bit about the history of the events and this year's 2011 SKINS Fashion Show, featuring clothing and accessories from Asian-American designers.JustArts: Can you explain your role in organizing APAHM/SKINS?Nancy Nguyen: I am the official coordinator, which involves anything from contacting and meeting designers, organizing performers and volunteers, devising fundraising methods, having the final say on who models, what our advertising campaign will involve and keeping everything running smoothly until the show, but I get a lot of help from my model coordinators and BAASA [Executive] board.

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