Judges split UAA games in weekend road trip
The team avenged its loss vs. Case Western with a win on Sunday against Carnegie Mellon.
The team avenged its loss vs. Case Western with a win on Sunday against Carnegie Mellon.
On Wednesday evening, the TBA Improv and Sketch Comedy group put on its first show of the semester. From start to finish, the show was full of laughs; the audience, about 40 students, was drawn in for the entirety of the two hours.
Sophomores Hannah Nicholson ’20 and Katie Goncalo ’20 were standouts in the victories.
The Judges look to continue their strong season heading into conference play.
Brandeis Department: ‘Martyr’ This past fall, the Brandeis Theater Arts Department put on “Martyr.” The play, written by German playwright Marius von Mayenburg, follows one boy’s tempestuous journey into the depths of Christian fundamentalism.
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