Justice Editorial Board
EDITORIAL: Mailroom issues must be resolved
In an email on April 24, Director of Strategic Procurement John Storti informed the student body that the University had partnered with Xerox Corporation to begin renovating and improving Mail Services, the Copy Center and printing services on campus.
EDITORIAL: Better publicize campus events
This past Friday, the University community gathered on the Great Lawn for a campuswide dinner designed to, according to Senior Vice President for Students and Enrollment Andrew Flagel, “teach about the sanctification of time” and the diversity of the campus.
EDITORIAL: Release updated handbook
As returning Brandeis students have finished settling back into campus, right away we have started to notice some of the changes that have been made over the summer?like the new Usdan Student Center and other cosmetic fixes around campus.
EDITORIAL: Protect professors’ free speech rights
Uphold respectful debate
EDITORIAL: Fully evaluate sexual assault charges
Consider all angles
EDITORIAL: Farewell to the Justice alumni
You will all be missed
EDITORIAL: Welcome African Diaspora hirees
Last March, the University announced its hiring of two new professors, as well as a Florence Levy Kay fellow, as part of a cluster-hire initiative to improve studies on the African Diaspora.
EDITORIAL: Assess Rights and Responsibilities draft
After much anticipation from the entire Brandeis campus, a draft of the 2014 to 2015 edition of the Rights and Responsibilities handbook has finally been released.
EDITORIAL: Students need functioning phones, not fancy features
For all the extra buttons, options and perks, the new Cisco phone system has one dangerous drawback: unreliability.
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