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Justin Sulsky


Reps begin drafting SAF amendments

Student Union officials have begun drafting a series of amendments to the Union constitution to reform the club financing system that distributes the Student Activities Fee (SAF), according to Union President Jenny Feinberg '07.

Union Senate: Positions open for next semester

Students Taking Action Now: Darfur proposed that Brandeis fund a journal about the genocide in Darfur to be distributed to universities throughout the United States.Alex Braver '09 was appointed interim member of the Committee for Support of Teaching for the spring semester.The Union passed its budget for the spring semester.Representative to the Board of Trustees Albert Cahn '07 objected to the use of SAF funding for Nashim's all-women talent show because he said it excludes male members of the Brandeis community.Joanna Drusin '06 said she was uncomfortable attending the talent show because of the disruption by Cahn, who was using a video camera at the event.

Union Senate

Jacob Baime '08 resigned as East Quad Senator citing an off-campus political commitment. Winter elections will be held to fill the positions of East Quad Senator and Senator for the Classes of 2006 and 2007.

Leftist historian draws crowd at Waltham appearance

Prominent leftist writer Howard Zinn spoke to a packed crowd in downtown Waltham last Wednesday, arguing that American society has failed to acknowledge the voices of common people.In the former location of Jordan's Furniture Store, about 175 people, including 40 Brandeis students, gathered to hear the liberal icon promote his latest work, People's Voices of a People's History of the United States, a companion to A People's History of the United States: 1492-Present.

BIPAC misses D.C. reps, meets with staffers

WASHINGTON - The Brandeis Israel Political Affairs Committee (BIPAC) bumped into Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor while sightseeing yesterday on the streets here, but O'Connor wasn't one of the many government officials students had hoped to see.

Grand theft sign

On the door of a dorm room in Scheffres Hall, next to the dry erase board, is a white plastic sign with blue capital letters announcing "Sung-Lo's Bar Mitzvah." To further celebrate Sung-Lo Yoon's '09 becoming a man in the Jewish faith, well-wishers wrote comments such as, "I'm so proud of you, you chanted perfectly," and "It was great dancing the hora with you." Yet, Yoon never had a Bar Mitzvah, and, in fact, is not even Jewish.

$80 million in new debt to replace 3 science buildings

The Board of Trustees unanimously approved the assumption of $100 million in new debt Wednesday, largely in order to contribute to the funding of a $154 million science quad-renewal project that will eventually see the complete replacement of three of the complex's oldest buildings.The venture consists of two phases, the first of which calls for the construction of a new building where K-Lot currently stands, followed by the demolition of the Kalman and Friedland buildings.

Writer uncovers her father's inventing past

The daughter of Israel's first rocket inventor spoke about her investigation into her father's secret involvement in the Israeli military at the second event of the Meet the Author series Wednesday afternoon.Sharona Muir explores the life of her father Itzhak Bentov, who worked for Israel's Secret Science Corps after surviving the Holocaust, in The Book of Telling: Trading the Secrets of My Father's Lives.

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