Lin Lin Hutchinson
Brandeis professors discuss the upcoming U.S. Presidential election
Brandeis professors share insights on the role of gender, race and immigration in the 2024 presidential election.
Waltham City Council declares National Hispanic Heritage Month
Council member Carlos Vidal advocates for unity and highlights contributions of Hispanic Americans to the Waltham community.
Gravity Magazine announces the club is on hiatus for fall semester
Club president Amelia Minchin shares the value of satirical literature on college campuses.
Embassy Theater owners clash on Facebook after months of unrest
Disputes rise over The Embassy Performing Arts Center, which has housed both Tim Nasson’s movie screening and Smaranda Maria Albeck’s dance studio since March 2024
The Boston Celtics sold for a record-breaking price
Brandeis community targeted in two cyberattacks
The Lydian String Quartet fights to remain as fundraiser begins
Brandeis Strangers: New technology builds connection on campus
Brandeis Hillel looking to hire new on-campus rabbinic educator couple