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Matt Brown


Say cheese and die: A guide

Cheese makes me very happy. Even when I say the very word itself, a smile sneaks its way onto my face.Coagulated milk, though it sounds less than appetizing, is actually one of the most diverse food products in the world, with hundreds of different types made worldwide.

Asian tapas restaurant deemed tasty

Ponzu (286 Moody St.) is no longer a newcomer to the Waltham ethnic restaurant scene. Since opening in May 2006, this restaurant has specialized in cuisine from "Far East & the Rest." Situated mere yards from both Asian Grill and Tom Can Cook, Ponzu complements its more established pan-Asian brethren nicely.Before I get to the food, here's a bit about the actual restaurant.

Asian tapas restaurant deemed tasty

Ponzu (286 Moody St.) is no longer a newcomer to the Waltham ethnic restaurant scene. Since opening in May 2006, this restaurant has specialized in cuisine from "Far East & the Rest." Situated mere yards from both Asian Grill and Tom Can Cook, Ponzu complements its more established pan-Asian brethren nicely.Before I get to the food, here's a bit about the actual restaurant.

Spice up your pasta with a new tomato recipe

Simple and cheap, noodles are probably the poor college student's food of choice. There's ramen and mac & cheese (anything other than Kraft isn't worth my time), but even simpler than those is pasta (and sauce). The former two require mixing stuff in with the noodles; to make the latter, all you have to do is boil the noodles, remove them from the water and put on the sauce.

Comedy all night and all day

Friday, April 20. 7:51 p.m.-Dateline, Chomondley's. The forces are gathering for a full day of antics; a full day of zaniness; a full day of improv-comedy.

Jewish chaplain to leave in July

Dean of Student Life Rick Sawyer announced in an e-mail last Friday that Rabbi Allan Lehmann, the University's Jewish Chaplain, will be resigning this July to assume the post of associate dean of the rabbinical school at Hebrew College in Newton, Mass.Lehmann came to Brandeis in 2000 after 20 years in Gainsville, Fla.

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