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Max Moran


Use Nemtsov assassination to reexamine Russian power

“I’m jealous, Viktor. You don’t answer to anyone. You have no real opposition, you know exactly how every election is going to turn out.” So says Frank Underwood to the fictionalized Russian president Viktor Petrov in the new third season of House of Cards, which premiered on Friday.

Boko Haram massacre must not be ignored

By most accounts, this was a slow week in the news. After the excitement of President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, the headlines mostly turned to analyses of the speech, continued coverage of the Charlie Hebdo terror attack and its international response and a national scandal over whether or not—shock and horror!—a football was slightly deflated at an important Patriots game.

Honor defendant's rights in Marathon bombing trial

The world is now approaching the final chapter in the tragedy of the Boston Marathon bombings. Dzokhar Tsarnaev, the 21-year-old Chechen accused of planning and detonating two homemade pressure cooker bombs along with his deceased brother Tamerlan, entered court on Jan.

Focus Brown and Garner protests on specific goals

On Aug. 9, in Feguson, Mo., 19-year-old Michael Brown was shot. At 11:54 a.m., he allegedly stole a few cigarillos from a liquor store, and walked a few blocks away with his friend Dorian Johnson until he was stopped by police officer Darren Wilson.

Define and re-examine "social justice" in Brandeis community

When I applied to Brandeis, I applied because it met a set of criteria that I was pursuing: a respected liberal arts school, with a small student-to-professor ratio, academically strong in my areas of interest that regularly accepts students with my high school grade point average and course rigor.

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