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Miranda Neubauer


Prof expounds on virtues of new media

Academic institutions need to embrace new technologies that shape their students' lives instead of suppressing them out of fear, Professor Henry Jenkins, co-director of the Comparative Media Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in a lecture last Thursday.Library and Technology Services, the American Studies department, the Computer Science department, the Education program, the Internet Studies program, the Community Engaged Learning program and the Cultural Production program co-sponsored the event.

Finance committee formed

Provost Marty Krauss formed a special Faculty Advisory Committee to investigate options for increasing the financial efficiency of the School of Arts and Sciences as the University faces the economic crisis, according to an e-mail Krauss wrote to the faculty last Monday.According to the Provost's Web site, the goal of the committee is to "engage in a planning process to identify curricular and programmatic options in the School of Arts and Sciences . that could result in more efficient use of financial resources, while preserving the strengths of Brandeis University as a premiere liberal arts college within a robust research university." The committee will issue a report on its work by Dec.

Appiah accepts award

Philosopher and professor Kwame Anthony Appiah outlined a vision of world citizenship that is independent of global government and improves the welfare of the world community upon receiving the inaugural $25,000 Joseph B.

$100,000 weight room plan finalized

The University signed a $100,000 contract with Gym Source equipment company for a new weight room, scheduled to be finished around Thanksgiving, after addressing Student Union concerns, University administrators told the Justice.

University trustee and donor dies at 83

Henry L. Foster, 83, a former University trustee whose donations to the University made a lasting impact on the Rose Art Museum and on scientific research at Brandeis, died at home last Tuesday of cancer, according to University President Jehuda Reinharz.

New rooms available for spring

The Department of Residence Life will make 26 four-person apartments in the new Ridgewood residence halls available to all interested juniors and seniors when the dorms open next semester, ResLife announced on its Web site.In an earlier interview with the Justice, Vice President of Capital Projects Dan Feldman said that Ridgewood will provide 184 beds total.

Perlmutter family donates $5M to IBS

University Trustee Louis Perlmutter '56 and his wife, Barbara Perlmutter, donated $5 million to establish an Institute for Global Business Leadership at the International Business School to prepare students for leadership roles in companies and governments around the world, the University announced last Wednesday.

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