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Rachel Marder


Tenure task force recommends extra year on clock

A faculty committee has recommended that assistant professors on the tenure track receive an optional additional year "to get their portfolios together" before coming up for tenure review, according to the unanimous report submitted to University Provost Marty Krauss on Nov.

Sprinkler accident drenches East

A sprinkler head on the sixth floor of Pomerantz Hall in East Quad burst on Sunday evening, causing at least several hundred gallons of water to flood the hall and residents' rooms.Several students playing football hit a sprinkler head in the middle of the hall, activating the sprinkler system and fire alarm, Director of Residence Life Maggie Balch said Sunday, as facilities workers drained water.East Quad Director Megan Drangstveit said members of the administration would meet Tuesday to determine where financial responsibility for the damage would fall.Rooms in the middle of the sixth floor were flooded, but the outer edges of the hall stayed dry.

Rabbi remembers N.O.

"The loss is very personal and very profound. My family members have lost their homes," said Rabbi Allan Lehmann, a native of New Orleans.

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