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Brandeis University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1949 | Waltham, MA

Stefanie Tuck


Online dating: Is it sketchy or serious?

Online dating sites: fun or just sketchy?We have all heard of dating Web sites like and, but I wanted to find out if they truly work.A few weeks ago, two friends convinced me to register at

Having safe sex at school

So another semester has begun, and there are new faces all around. Of course, this means that the first two-and-a-half weeks are going to be chock full of (not so) anonymous hook-ups.

Panel addresses Iran threat

Nuclear arms proliferation experts from Germany, Israel and the United States participated in a symposium here Thursday where Iranian efforts to gain nuclear weapons, and the international reaction to such efforts, were discussed.

Techniques to master the fine art of flirting

"Nice shoes, wanna shag?"This particular line has never been directly used on me, but I have plenty of friends who can vouch that people out there in the dating world will attempt to get you into bed with one drunken compliment.

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